Changing the world through song, dance, and interracial love.

Aug 03, 2007 02:28


I've said it for years but no one ever listens: Ohio is a stupid, hick state. And not just because my cousins and uncle are diehard Buckeyes fans.

I don't know what else to say about that that hasn't already been said. So, moving on ...

I'm undergoing the process of teaching myself PHP and am at the stage were I'd like to start working on a project I've had in mind for a few years. A MUD that, instead of dealing with all the annoying nuances (both as a player and a programmer), the mechanics are taken care of with a simple GUI and all the RP is taken care of in forums overseen by a moderator/gamemaster (and, yes, Tricia, I know that it's not technically a MUD if I do this, but it's where I got the idea from). As one of several potential Beta testers (if you have no idea what I'm talking about at this point, skip to the next section of the entry), 1) what do you think of the idea itself and 2) what would be some things you'd be looking for in the system?

I had an idea earlier today regarding home-schooling. First, it is true that home-schooled students are generally better educated than public-, and even private-, schooled students. It is equally true that home-schooled individuals are notoriously socially inept and, occasionally, have extremely misguided perceptions of the world in which we live (that is to say, lacking in the area of that ever more uncommon trait: common sense). Thus, why not work out a system in which a students attends school for half the day and is educated at home for the other half? This way, the student gets the benefit of both educational forms while allowing the school to still allocate more resources to full-time students and giving mommy or daddy either more free time, or less money spent on a fancy-pants tutor. Everyone wins and maybe, just maybe, it could be the first step to actually fixing the poor, steadily decomposing education system America doesn't like to see children left behind from.

Quote:"What can be said operates within the limits of the already said. Instead of the struggle for coherent reference points of modernist identity, postmodernism's 'nowness' suggests that identity is just a set of stories that we tell ourselves about who we are and that these stories are thoroughly permeated by all the stories that we've absorbed about who we can be."-Michael Rosenthal
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