Hey! What's goin' on?

Aug 01, 2006 20:43


In case you haven't figured it out by now (or just don't care, whichever works for you), I am currently without a reliable or consistent means to get on the internet. This makes it a pain in the ass to try to go back and read over all the entries that I've missed, let alone comment in all the places I would ordinarily comment. Even more difficult is finding time to update when the mood actually strikes me (few and far between are these episodes, as evidenced by the general infrequency of my updates to begin with). Thus, I regretfully must place LJ on hiatus until I have the time and means to come back to it. This means I probably won't see most (if any) entries (though, by all means, if there's one you want to draw my attention to, e-mail me a link to it or send it to me on AIM (provided I'm actually on, which is unlikely)). My frequency of posting entries, however, will likely remain unchanged.

Give me a call if you want/need something, but don't expect me to talk for long as phones are terribly evil and irritating devices.

President George W. Bush Quotes:
"Every nation in every region now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists."

"For diplomacy to be effective, words must be credible - and no one can now doubt the word of America."

"Free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction."

"I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we're really talking about peace."

Amusing Stuff:
Eating dinner/breakfast at Little Chef at four in the morning invites some strange company. The entire time I'm there (presumably before I was there, too), a couple was sitting at the table behind me arguing incessantly. The woman was looking for any excuse she could to break up with the guy (though he didn't realize it). Her topics were ranging from extreme jealously over every girl he's ever talked to, to D&D (an especially amusing topic as she first ridiculed him for being a loser ("You shouldn't expect to be able to keep a girlfriend if you play Dungeons and Dragons") to accusing him of cheating on her while he was out playing), to his not being horny enough, to his not wanting to do anything with her than have sex (like I said, she was looking for any excuse) ... Long story short, they were extremely loud and most likely drunk, and the entire restaurant could not only hear them, but were talking about them in some way (either making fun of them or bitching about them). In my infinite righteousness, in a gesture of good-will towards all men and women, upon leaving Little Chef, I put a dollar on their table and thanked the couple for an enjoyable and amusing evening. I figure, worst case scenario, they realize what twits they're being and shut up (which is good for everyone else in the place); best case scenario, I save their relationship by giving them something in common: their hatred of me. I truly am a saint.

I've spent the last twelve hours working the sound booth for some speech camp thing on campus and realized a few things. First, there were only two black children in the entire production and they played a rude giant and a dragon. This is sending the message that blacks are monsters to all the other kids in the production. Second, the old song about the cookie jar that everyone knows ("wifflebatgaijin stole the cookie from the cookie jar!", "Who, me?", "Yes, you!", "Couldn't be!", "Then who?", et cetera) is making it seem okay to steal; something is stolen and everyone bursts into a light-hearted song that says "if you deny it, we'll believe you". Third, I hate small children (especially the ones that cry a lot), parents (especially the ones that don't do shit about their crying children), and tech-illiterate people that cause lot's of feedback (this one should be pretty obvious).
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