Fic: Repossession (2/2)

Oct 13, 2009 21:26

“Good evening, Madame President,” Bill offered in his deepest baritone as he stepped inside Laura’s quarters.  Best to always look and sound confident he figured, even when your insides were jelly.

“Welcome, Bill,” Laura replied, drawing out his name playfully on her tongue before giving him a wink and taking a sip from her glass.  “I’m thinking tonight’s dress code might be just a tad inconsistent with formalities.  Wouldn’t you agree?”

Bill nodded, relaxing at her easy manner.  “Since we are dispensing with formalities, I think I’ll help myself to a drink,” he said with a gesture toward the bottle of ambrosia perched on her dresser, glass invitingly set beside it.  Her mood clearly suggested she thought his theft was more prank than perversion, and even though playing these kinds of urbane games was never his strong suit, Laura was worth the risk.

“Please do.  I drink so rarely that it would be a shame to do it alone.”  Laura watched him as he began to pour.  She was relieved he’d come ready to play along, but it was time to find out how far he was willing to go.  “I’m glad you are here, Bill.  I really have been doing too many things alone these days, so it will be nice to have a partner for once.”  She smirked as she watched his shoulders stiffen slightly before quickly relaxing again as he brought his glass to his lips and then turned around to face her, the aroused glint in his eyes enough to excite her too as she crossed her legs tighter.  This was going to be fun.

Bill took his time walking back toward her, enjoying the view as he went, her hair loose and flowing, shoes off, and one button too many on her blouse undone.  Seeing her looking so sexy, he’d almost forgotten why he was here in the first place, but the press of his bulging groin against lace-trimmed satin reminded him of the precariousness of his position.

“Are you hungry?” she asked, pointing at the tray on the table in front of them, as he sat down on the small loveseat beside her.

“No,” he answered simply, knowing her offer had not been the least bit sincere.  He didn’t want to eat either.  They had better things to do.

“It doesn’t have to be for food,” she teased as he edged closer to her, his lips curling slightly at her suggestion.

Even given the nature of this evening’s invitation, he was still surprised by her forwardness.  She was clearly confident that he was hers for the taking.  She was right of course.  He did want to kiss her desperately, but all in good time.  For now, he raised his glass instead to offer a toast.  “To a wonderful evening.”

Laura lifted her own glass.  “Well that all depends on whether you came prepared to return what you borrowed,” she cautioned with the wickedest of grins.

“Laura,” he chided, his own smile fading away as his brows knit in concern.  “I came prepared,” he explained, setting his glass down before continuing, “but first we need to clear up a few things.”  There were certain assumptions about his behavior that he just could not abide.

“Okay,” she agreed, taking a sip of her drink to mask her amusement at his earnestness.  She had a good guess as to what he was about to clear up.  Men were so predictable, even when they surprised you.

He paused a moment trying to gather his nerve.  The last time he’d attempted this explanation it had not gone well.  He’d just have to trust that Laura was a more open-minded woman than those that had come before her.  He hated to admit that it was a low bar she needed to clear.  “First, I don’t do this often.  It’s been years in fact.”

“Okay,” she agreed again.  The blush spreading across his features was a rare treat.  The great Admiral Adama humbled before her.  She was enjoying this.

“Second, I want you to understand that this … little habit … has nothing to do with wanting …” He struggled for the right words.  “With wanting to be feminine.”  He prayed a cylon basestar would jump in right this second and blow them all to hell.

She never could stomach the sight of a drowning man as he was about to go under.  “It’s all right, Bill.  I never thought that was what you wanted.”


“I’ve seen the way you look at me.”

Bill laughed nervously.  For once he was glad to have been obvious in his attentions.  “Oh, well, then good.”

“I think it is,” Laura joked, taking another sip of her drink as she watched Bill pick up his glass and do the same.  “So tell me, did this little habit start when you were a boy?”

“No.  It started when I joined the service actually.”  He suddenly felt quite relieved.  Her question had been asked in teasing interest rather than disgust.  That had never happened before.

“Really?”  His secret was even more intriguing than she’d imagined.

“My flight instructor was a woman,” he explained, taking another sip of his drink, believing again in the promise the evening held.  There was every chance he wouldn’t be wearing these panties much longer.  “Stupid nugget that I was, I made an extremely reckless bet with the deckhands.”

“One you didn’t win?”

“No,” he chuckled.  “I never even stood a chance.  So before I knew it, I was breaking into the captain’s footlocker and then standing before her at parade rest with her own lace on under my uniform, her none the wiser.”

“And you liked it?”

“Yeah.”  This time he didn’t blush.  “It was a thrill.  Not so much the material itself, even though I confess it did feel good against my skin, but it was really the danger I liked.”

Laura smiled.  This was a kink she could relate to.  “I’m guessing the power too.”


“She was your superior officer.”

Bill smiled back at her.  She understood him better than he’d like to admit.  “She was.  I guess I liked stealing back a little control.”

“Still do I see,” she teased.  It was time to put a few cards of her own on the table.  “Personally, I prefer to lose a little control sometimes.”

That got his attention.  “Your ample authority been getting to you, Madame President?”

“Perhaps a bit,” she replied with nearly a purr, taking another swig of her drink.  Her insides were now thoroughly warm, and she doubted very seriously it was from the liquor.  She found him more attractive than ever right now, his ever-present masculinity so deliciously contrasted by the satin and lace hidden beneath.  Vulnerability.  It was exquisite in a powerful man, and she very much wanted to see more of it from him, but she wanted to show a little of her own first.  That was always most exciting of all.

“It is my duty to serve,” Bill explained edging closer to her as he set his drink down again and then took hers from her hand.  “Tell me how I can help,” he implored as he dropped his hand on to her knee.  He ignored the small voice in his head that was telling him their responsibilities to the fleet made this a bad idea.  He was currently propositioning a woman while wearing her underwear.  He was beyond responsibilities.

“I was just wondering, since I’ve discovered your secret, how will you go about giving me your own personal salute now, Admiral?”  She didn’t give a damn if they were being reckless.  She’d already died once for her people.  What more could they expect her to sacrifice?

“I’m already saluting you, and it is very personal,” Bill promised huskily as he leaned in and kissed her, slipping his hand beneath her skirt, her flesh hot and smooth beneath his touch, her lips tasting of liquor and lust.

Laura welcomed his kiss as readily as his caress, slipping her tongue between his teeth and sliding her legs apart to ease his access.  She reveled in the feel of his hand against her skin, as it turned to gooseflesh in anticipation of what he would find.  She knew he’d never deny her request, not given his own state of dress, but it never hurt to stack the deck in one’s own favor.

Running one hand up her thigh, Bill grasped Laura’s hip with the other and pulled her down beneath him on the couch.  Normally he would not move so quickly.  He knew he was a good kisser, and he liked to show that skill off, particularly as fair compensation for any woman that was willing to give his gruff demeanor the benefit of the doubt.  But Laura was making it very hard to take the time and care to impress her with the preliminaries as she ran her hands feverishly along his chest.  How she had managed to sneak them beneath his uniform so fast he had no idea.  The woman obviously had skills of her own.  Yet another reason to hurry.  He wanted a full and complete demonstration of them all, and without delay.

Laura knew she was a good kisser, but it was a thrill to learn that Bill was an even better one.  He really was a book you could not judge by its cover.  She was even more certain now that she could trust him to be willing.  As she felt his fingers closing in on their destination, she knew it wouldn’t be long now until she found out if she was right.

At first he didn’t quite believe it.  He’d been looking forward to the feel of warm silk beneath his fingertips.  Its absence could hardly be described as a disappointment.  However, it was a surprise.  He pulled his lips away from her neck and looked down at her wide-eyed, wolfish grin beginning to spread across his face.

“What did you expect?” she asked breathlessly, loving his bemused but hungry expression.  “You’ve got what I’m missing.”

She thought herself pretty cute, he could tell.  It was time to knock her down a peg.  With a chuckle, he ran a finger through her folds.  She was so wet.  That made him even harder, which he didn’t think possible at this point.  As he heard her moan in satisfaction, he executed his battle plan, plunging a finger deep inside her without warning.  Her heated gasp was music not just to his ears, but to his cock as well.  Godsdamn, he had to get the hell out of these tight panties of hers.  Fast.

“Bill,” she nearly cried, writhing beneath him and nipping at his ear as he nibbled at her neck, fingers working her in maddening rhythm below.  She didn’t want to come yet.  She had plans for their first time.

“Mmm,” he murmured, pulling regretfully away from the salty sweet skin of her neck and circling his thumb around her clit to punish her in the best way possible for the interruption.

She groaned at the exquisite torture of his touch, trying to fight the tide that was threatening to sweep her away from all her senses.  “There’s something I need to ask you.”

“What?”  Bill stilled his hand, suddenly nervous.  Perhaps she was not as forgiving of his predilections as he’d assumed.

Smiling, she reached up and kissed him.  She hadn’t meant to scare him, and the last thing she needed right now was to make him nervous.  “It’s okay,” she reassured him,  “I just have a favor to ask.”

“Whatever it is yes,” he announced as he leaned down and kissed her back, teasing her once again with his fingers.

“You haven’t even heard what it is,” she laughed as she threw back her head with a soft groan to let him return to marking a trail of kisses down her neck to her chest.

“Laura, a man rarely says no to a beautiful woman under these circumstances.  I’m just looking to streamline the process,” he explained as he began to nuzzle the valley between her breasts.  “Need I remind you that I’m not wearing the most comfortable attire for my current condition.”

She laughed harder as he nudged her hip to emphasize his point.  “Okay then.”  She tried to gather a deep breath to steel her nerve, though his attentions were making that difficult.  But it was now or never.  “You are not the only one who enjoys the occasional unconventional thrill,” she confessed.

He loved her way with words.  He loved even more the potential those words carried.  He sat up and pulled her up alongside him, looking her in the eye and trying desperately not to be distracted by the obscene expanse of creamy thigh she was displaying or the silk-clad treasure that had spilled from her shirt.  “What unconventional thrill can I help you with tonight?  I’m here to serve, Madame President.”

The rumble in his voice made her shiver with anticipation, as did the playful look in his eyes.  She’d seen anger in them once upon a time, and then empathy and even sadness, but joy was a rare treat.  She reached beneath the cushion of the loveseat and pulled out the sash to her silk robe.  “Have you ever tied a woman up?”

“Once or twice,” he answered almost sheepishly, tamping down his surprise at her proposition.

“I should have expected as much from a sailor,” she teased as she rotated her wrist, twisting the length of silk lazily around her hand.

It was true he’d seen and done a few things in his day, but never with the smart and classy likes of a Laura Roslin.  But as he looked at her, he suddenly understood.  A woman like that doesn’t always want to run the show.  If she wanted to lose a little control, he’d oblige - and then some.

“Well?” Laura breathed.

“Stand up,” Bill ordered as he reached out and pulled the sash forcefully from her hand.  “Go stand over there,” he directed with a nod of his head as he watched her slowly edging off the couch.  “Move!”

Laura grinned as she quickened her step.  Bill was incredibly sexy when he gave orders.  Mostly she enjoyed defying them, him, but not tonight.  Tonight she wanted nothing more than to be a lowly nugget at his complete command.

Bill stood and crossed over to his recalcitrant recruit, sizing her up with a glare as he dangled the sash at his side.  “You are out of uniform, soldier.”

“I’m sorry, sir.”

“Nobody gave you permission to speak,” he barked.  “Now strip.”

Laura swallowed her sassy retort and instead began to do as she had been told, slowly working free the buttons of her blouse.

“You are not on a stage, soldier.  Faster.”  As he watched her drop her skirt and peel off her bra, he reminded himself not to be too impressed.  Circling around her to take in the long lines of her back and soft curve of her ass, he pulled at his collar and licked his lips where she could not see.  Damn if he wasn’t blown away.

She watched him as he swung back around to face her, the leer on his face telling her everything she needed to know about how well her body had recovered from illness.  Her nipples tingled and tightened, and she doubted it was from the chill in the ship’s recycled air.  She stood at attention, fighting to contain her smirk.  The point here was to lose control, not assert it.

Bill unbuttoned his uniform top, pulling it off and tossing it toward the couch, tanks quickly following.  He threw the belt of her robe over his shoulder and proudly took in Laura’s satisfied grin.  Sure he was a little thicker in the middle these days, but he was in great shape for a man his age.  Arms and chest solid and well defined.  Ego sufficiently stroked by her reaction, he stepped toward her.  “Impressed, soldier?”

“Yes, sir, very,” she replied truthfully.

“Good.”  He unbuttoned his fly, revealing a hint of pink, and smiled as he watched her looking down and eyeing him eagerly, doing a piss poor job now at standing at proper military attention.  For the time being, he’d indulge her.  She’d obviously been waiting for this moment ever since she’d raided his dresser.  “More?” he asked.

“Please, sir,” she whispered, mouth dry with anticipation.

He took another step toward her, staring right into her eyes, drawing them to his.  After a long moment, he announced her fate.  “You don’t get to see.”  Grabbing the sash off his shoulder, he quickly stepped around her and then tied it tight across her eyes.

Laura sucked in a breath as Bill ran his hands through her hair, spreading it over the silky material that blindfolded her.  She had not been expecting that, which of course made it that much better.

“Trust me,” he whispered into her ear as he wrapped his arms around her from behind, skating the fingers of one hand up and down the soft skin between her bellybutton and the valley bisecting her breasts with long, feather-light strokes.

“Yes,” she breathed, not sure if he’d meant his words as question, reassurance or command.  Whatever he’d meant, she did trust him.  Mostly.  With her career and her life - absolutely.  But with something more?  There was that little sliver of doubt that remained - itself inevitable until she learned how he would hold her when they were through with their games.  And that tiniest apprehension about what they really meant to each other was just enough to make this all so deliciously dangerous.

He grinned as she ground her tailbone hard into his arousal to emphasize her reply, before he reached around and swept her into his arms.  She gasped lightly at the surprise of his move as he carried her to her cot and set her down, resisting the urge to do so gently.  He took in the sight of her hungrily, so vulnerable spread beneath him, naked and blind, and soon to be even more so when bound.  “Hands over your head,” he ordered, undeterred by the lack of a headboard.  He had a plan.

Laura complied silently, listening for the sound of him coming closer, mad for his touch as he kept her waiting, the muffled sounds of him stripping away the remainder of his clothes making her ache with anticipation.

As he looked down at the stretched pink satin fabric pooled in his fist, Bill’s grin broadened.  He’d certainly never expected this when he stole these panties, but they had nevertheless given him exactly what he wanted - a little power over a beautiful woman who made him feel so damn powerless.  Sick frak he might be, but as he glanced down at a blinded Laura eagerly stretching her bare body out beneath him, he knew he’d met his match.  Only seemed right then to use these panties this way.

Kneeling beside her he kissed her hard, teasing her with his tongue before pulling away and chuckling at her disappointed mewl.  “Be good,” he warned as he slipped her underwear over her wrists, twisting her hands in the leg holes.  Shifting her body upwards, he secured her wrists to the top of the cot’s metal frame with one of his socks.  Climbing onto the bed and straddling her waist, he looked down at his own handiwork impressed.

“Touché, Admiral,” Laura laughed as she felt the unmistakable textures of satin and lace biting into her skin.

He nudged her folds with his hard cock to silence her giggles.  “Once again, nobody gave you permission to speak, soldier,” he scolded, soaking himself greedily with the proof of her arousal.

She swallowed her protest and nodded in the direction of his voice.  Tonight it felt too good to do anything but obey.  She waited for Bill to put her out of her misery and frak her hard and fast, but he pulled away.  His intent was clear.  He meant to torture her.  In truth, she liked it better that way.

His cock twitched in disappointment as Bill pulled away from her heat, but he had no intention of giving her the satisfaction she craved so easily.  It was not often he had such a beautiful woman at his mercy.  He intended to enjoy it.  Moving to the foot of the bed, he lifted her leg and swirled his tongue lazily around the inside of her ankle.  Looking down its long, shapely length to see Laura writhing gently beneath his touch, glistening with anticipation, and obediently fighting back moans of pleasure, he felt a surge of pride … and of lust … and of something more that he chose to leave for another time.  This was not the moment to submit to such thoughts, for now he simply wanted to devour her.

Lost in the dark, and lashed to this spot, voice silenced by order, and body aching with need, Laura felt helpless.  It was not an unfamiliar feeling - cancer, cylons, the despair of her people - to all those things that haunted her she could not yield, but to this want, to him, in this moment, she could surrender.  And she did, crying out, without care as to what punishment might follow, as Bill toyed with her once cancerous breast and then suddenly plunged his tongue deep inside her, eating her with a merciless fervor that lovers before him had rarely demonstrated.

Languidly kissing his way up Laura’s body, Bill enjoyed the way her skin shivered against his lips as she rode out the residual waves of her orgasm.  She had quieted now, remembering once again his command for silence, but as he saw the tears of release slipping beneath the soft silk that covered her eyes, his heart was no longer in the plan he’d been forming to punish her for such insubordination.  Now he wanted her too much to wait any longer to feel her surrounding him, to let her torture him instead.  Kissing the salty moisture gently away with his lips, he lowered his head and whispered into her ear.  “You did not ask for permission to come, soldier.”

“I’m sorry, sir,” she whispered back, the lazy satisfaction in her voice incongruous with apology.  “It won’t happen again.”

“Never promise that, Laura,” he laughed as he leaned down and kissed away the saucy little grin spreading across her lips, his cock bobbing and hips jerking involuntarily at the satisfied little thrum in her throat that greeted the taste of herself on his tongue.  He’d never be able to break her.  Not really.  Not that he’d ever actually want to.  For now, he just wanted to enjoy her.

She gasped as she felt him enter her suddenly with a powerful thrust, quickly beginning to pound into her.  He’d obviously had his limit of foreplay.  The sounds of his grunts mixed with the jangle of his dogtags near her ear, made her long for free hands so that she could run them along his firm chest.  Underwear kinks notwithstanding, he was one of the most masculine men that she had ever been with, sturdy and blunt, and a welcome change from the smooth, manicured players and politicians that littered her past.

She was so incredibly tight around him, that every thrust made him long to be young enough again to go all night.  That they fit so well this first time really wasn’t a shock. Sometimes it is in your opposite that you find your perfect complement.  One hand clawing at the mattress for leverage, he used the other to pull at her hips, trying to angle her body so that he could reach deeper inside her.

“Oh gods,” she moaned, clenching her muscles tight around him.  “Bill, please harder,” she begged.

“Okay … so good, Laura, so good,” he croaked in reply, pleasure overwhelming him as he broke character too.  He could not help himself.  It truly was too good.  Sweat soaked him, and the loud slap of damp skin was only barely audible over the blood rushing in his ears as his hips pounded into her erratically as he came.  He clutched her close as he emptied himself into her.  Feeling her spasms continue to milk his now sated cock, he pressed every inch of her flesh he could against himself, stretching her body taut against her bindings, marking himself with her heat - welcoming her permanency on his skin.  He’d never be free of her.  This much he knew about the obstinance of his own heart.  But after a frak like that he didn’t much care about the consequences.

Sensing her discomfort, he slipped out of her and reached up and untied her, watching as she carefully flexed her arms, arching her back cat-like as she stretched her muscles.  “At ease, soldier,” he rumbled in her ear as he slipped off her blindfold.

Her eyes fluttered open tentatively, and she smiled up at him, shocked that the richness of his voice just then had been nearly enough to make her come one more time.  “You can give me a dressing down any time you want, sir,” she cooed in response, not even caring that her wrists barked at her in pain.

Bill gathered her in his arms as he laughed with her, sitting up and letting her lean back into his chest.  Together they looked down at the lacy material she’d just slipped from her wrists, and then up again at each other, mirroring the grins they found there.  “That was fun,” he said before kissing her gently and then laying on his side and pulling her tightly against his chest, lacing the fingers of one hand tightly in hers.

“That’s certainly stating the obvious,” she joked as she spooned into his embrace, enjoying the feel of his heart beating against her back.

They were silent for a long moment as he lightly traced aimless patterns in her skin with his free hand.

“You’re quiet,” she remarked as she ran her thumb lazily along the side of his palm in counterpoint to his touch.

“Sometimes it’s best just to let the obvious speak for itself,” he replied, dropping a series of soft kisses on her shoulder before pulling her closer.

He was right of course.  The way they held each other said it all.  And it was more than they should ever dare voice.

They were in a lot of trouble. Of that there was now no doubt.

The End!

adama/roslin, fanfic, bsg

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