Fic: Repossession (1/2)

Oct 07, 2009 22:01


The flash of pink peeking over his waistband had shocked her.  She was sure she was seeing things.  She was crazy.  She had to be.  But for a solid week, she had not been able to get the thought out of her mind.  The possibility was too delicious.  She had to know.  So here she was in the Admiral’s quarters, waiting for him to join her for their afternoon meeting, rifling through his drawers.

As she reached beneath a neatly folded stack of boxer briefs, she sucked in her breath.  She hadn’t believed it.  Not really.  But now the proof was in her hand.  Proof that the Admiral was hiding a very dirty secret.

Laura considered repossession, but then thought better of it.  There was something more enticing she wanted a shot at possessing.  Glancing furtively at the hatch, she went over and retrieved a pen and piece of paper from her briefcase.  She scribbled furiously and then with a chuckle left her missive where she knew only he’d find it.  Hustling back to the couch, she sat down primly, swallowing hard as she heard the hatch door opening.  She needed to get this damn smile off her face.  Patience was a virtue, she reminded herself, and what she had in store for Bill was definitely worth waiting for.


The flash of pink peeking from beneath his pillow shocked Bill into a double take, as he approached his rack, book in hand, ready to bed down for the night.  Coping now with the realization of one of his worst fears, he took a deep breath to settle his suddenly flipping stomach.  Sitting down on the edge of the rack, he reached his fingers beneath his pillow, pulling out the bright pink satin panties that had once belonged to his president.  He was caught.  Again.  But this time the stakes were so much higher than in the past.  Cursing the involuntary shiver that always shot through him when he touched such soft and smooth fabric, he felt the crumple of paper between his fingers.  There was a note tucked inside.  Taking another deep breath, he fished out the folded piece of paper and began reading, knowing whom the note was from even before he recognized the delicate handwriting.

Dinner tomorrow night.

My place.

Wear these.

That’s an order, Admiral.

-       Laura

P.S. Sweet Dreams.

He did not know what to make of her message.  He was certain he was frakked, but now he wasn’t quite sure which way.  Whichever way though, it made him achingly hard just thinking about it.  The possibility of Laura Roslin riding him hard or reprimanding him even harder, were each sexy as hell in its own way.  Grunting in heated disgust at himself, he lay down, smashing his head back against his pillow.  He was a dirty old man.  Then again, he’d been this way for a long time, only now it was devolving into cliché.  He looked at her note in one hand and panties in the other, both teasing him, and he grunted again.  “Frak it,” he said to himself as he dropped them onto his belly and reached his hand into his briefs.  It was too late for this old dog to learn new tricks.


Laura ran a quick hand through her curls as she looked into her mirror.  She looked good.  Damn good.  That was reassuring.  Confidence would be required tonight.  Then again, she reminded herself that her nerves could not possibly be as bad as Bill’s at this moment, no matter what she was, or more to the point was not, currently wearing.  She swallowed a giggle as she thought of Bill.  Sweat was no doubt currently prickling his neck beneath his collar as he fought to hide his embarrassment from his men as he made his way here.  Of course, his collar was not the only thing presently tight if he had dressed as instructed.  Dabbing her wrists with a few precious drops of perfume, she wondered how the hell it was that he actually managed to walk around in her panties without an obvious giddy-up in his step.  She’d have to ask him.  Once she was done with him of course.

She poured herself a drink and sat down on her couch, eyes trained on the closed curtain.  She considered grabbing a file to look busy when he arrived but decided she didn’t need to play coy.  Taking a long slow sip from her glass, she opted to simply savor the moment.  She’d learned her lesson on the shortness of life.  Death had been an excellent teacher.  She was going to take what she wanted and not apologize for it.  And she wanted Bill Adama.  As shocking as that was given how different they were, not to mention their rocky start in leading this fleet, but he had been all she could think about since her health had returned.  Not even this little discovery had dulled her interest.  If anything it had made her want him more.  It gave him an edge.  A secret.  She liked that.  She liked that very much.  She had secrets too.


Bill took several deep breaths as he made his way up from the cargo bay on Colonial One toward Laura’s office.  Normally the feel of satin pressed tight against his skin excited him, now it just made him feel sick.  He still couldn’t quite believe he was doing this, about to confront the President of the Twelve Colonies wearing her panties, but he just had to know what Laura really wanted from him.  She didn’t play games when it came to politics, that much he knew, but her note had left no doubt that when it came to getting personal she clearly did.  He found that too damn exciting to resist, no matter how badly he felt the burn of his shame on his skin.  She was the most amazing woman he had ever met, and the more he got to know her, the more convinced he became of that fact.  He wanted her so badly at this point that he had to believe tonight would be worth it.  If nothing else, they were stuck with each other.  So if she meant to punish him instead, best to take his lumps like a man and get it over with.  And that was another thing.  He was all man, his current attire notwithstanding, and he intended to make sure she knew it.

But his manhood took a shot when he came through the curtain of Laura’s office and saw Billy seated at her desk instead.  That was hardly out of the ordinary, but for some reason he had expected Laura to clear the decks for tonight.  Maybe this was her way of making him suffer.  That wouldn’t surprise him after that note she’d written to terrify him and arouse him all at once.

“Good evening, sir,” Billy greeted him without a hint of affectation as he stood.  He wasn’t in on the joke.  Not that Bill ever expected he would be.

“Good evening, Billy,” he replied evenly, fighting the urge to flee.  The young aide’s earnest expression made him incredibly uncomfortable.  Billy was such an innocent.  He doubted the kid had any idea about this kind of filthy thrill.  Then again, he’d been fairly innocent too until he lost that first bet during flight training.  He’d have never guessed then that he’d end up here.  Admiral of a ragtag fleet but still wearing his superior’s stolen panties.

“The President is waiting for you in her quarters,” Billy explained with a nod of his head toward the closed curtain behind him as he gathered some files and placed them in his briefcase.  “Dinner has already been delivered so you can get right to work.  If you need me for anything, please don’t hesitate to call,” he finished as he headed toward the opposite exit.

Bill swallowed his grin as Billy passed him.  There would be no need for the boy’s services this evening.  He had this one covered.  Poor kid.  It probably wasn’t right to be laughing at his naivety.  But all’s fair in love and war, and Bill needed a distraction from his own abject terror at going in there to face Laura armed only with satin and lace.  If somebody asked him right now to take out a centurion with a stick, he’d like his chances better.

“You two enjoy your evening,” Billy offered, flashing a crooked little grin as he briefly turned back, before continuing out of the office.

Bill chuckled as Billy pulled shut the curtain behind him.  Kid didn’t know the joke, but he sure as hell knew the punch line.  He’d definitely underestimated him.  He’d need to remember that.  Looking up at the closed curtain, he took a deep breath and knocked lightly on the bulkhead.  There was no point in standing here in delay.  The die was already cast on his fate, so best to go in there and find out how it landed.  As he pulled back the curtain, he hoped for a hard six.

Read part 2 here ...

adama/roslin, fanfic, bsg

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