Work can be a problem for you today, so you need to make sure that you're eon top of it all -- or far, far away! If you're currently seeking a job, you may want to take a breather and focus on other aspects of life. - Horoscope for today...which is INTERESTING because I was just discussing how I hope my new job wont get in the way of my 21st birthday party. I have been planning it for weeks and it consists of dinner on a boat and then Stepfathers. So all in all, I hope that I will be getting money soon so I can stop dwelling. I got fired from my job in case you guys were wondering and I was so happy about it! I skipped all the way home and I got a new job already. Bringing in the big buxxx hopefully.
I joined a forum called Craftster and my goal is to be able to make something like this:
Love and miss you all! 4real.