Don't mess with Texas, she's got enough on her back.

Nov 07, 2008 14:21

A while back I filled out this survey. I reread it and some of the answers are still the same, but others have changed. I know most of you probably won't read's just a lot of useless information about me. hahaha...I just think the progression is funny. Read on if you'd like.

:-: first job = : Pizza Maker @ Figaro's
-: first screen name = Court7005
:-: first self purchased cd = Annie Soundtrack.
:-: first funeral = My mom's friend's mother.
:-: first enemy = Nikki in preschool. :( I WAS SUPPOSED TO SING A WHOLE NEW WORLD AT OUR GRADUATION! And she stole it.
:-: first big trip = That I can remember? Our roadtrip to Cape Breton when I was in 2nd grade was pretty huge.
:-: last long car ride = Probably when I went with Mac and Fred from Dallas to Harlingen last December.
:-: last good cry = ...Love Actually.
:-: last library book checked out = The Collected Works of Tennessee Willaims Vol. 5. There is a good play in there that I am going to try to take a monologue from.
:-: last food consumed = Fun Dip.
:-: last phone call = To Melissa, I was returning her call about Celebrity Autobiography.
:-: last shoes worn = Cons.
:-: last cd played = Hmmm...Kevin's mix CD? That sounds about right.
:-: last annoyance = People talking about how Obama is going to get shot. :(
:-: last shirt worn = A red Harry and the Potters shirt.
:-: last website visited = FACEBOOK. I am addicted.

:-: wallet = Long, red, old lady-ish.
:-: underwear = Striped.
:-: hair = Thin.
:-: eyes = Green.
:-: hands = Baby hands.
:-: feet = Unkempt. It's possible for feet to be unkempt.
:-: room = Messy, messy, messy.
:-: boyfriend/girlfriend = Imaginary. jajaja
:-: parents = Wonderful.

:-: [boxers or briefs]: Hmmm...boxers?
:-: [plaid or striped] = Lumberjack plaid.
:-: [okay, ok, or o.k.] = I say OK
:-: [sunshine or rain] = Rain <333
:-: [rain or snow] = A cold rain
:-: [sun or moon] = Moon
:-: [silver or gold] = Silver
:-: [preps or freaks] = Freaks and Geeks.
:-: [popcorn-with or w/out butter] = Either way is tasty.

:-: an animal = Sala. :-: a fruit = Plum.
:-: a vegetable = Cucumber
:-: a color = Teal.

:-: are you smart? = Im not stupid.
:-: do you like onions? = Eh.
:-: what instruments can you play? = The recorder.
:-: what words do you overuse? = My overusage of words is usually a saying. Lately I've been saying "Out of this world!" all the time...and I dont know why. It started after I saw Equus. Weirdest shit ever.
:-: do you sleep with socks on? = They usually come off in the night.
:-: are you ticklish? = ...words can not describe how ticklish I am.
:-: are you shy? = Sometimes.
:-: do you talk to yourself? = Yup.
:-: did you go to preschool? = For Kids Only.
:-: are you a morning person? = No, no no.

-- first name: Courtney
-- middle name: Marie
-- last name: Mac Neil
-- nickname(s): CMac, Courtee, Court
-- birthplace: Kingston, Ontario
-- current Location: New York City, NY

-- your heritage: 100% Canadian...but deeper then that like part British, Irish, and Scottish
--your fears: Failure. Being alone. Heights.
-- goal you'd like to achieve: Eternal happiness.

-- your most overused phrase on AIM: OMG!
-- your thoughts first waking up: Did I oversleep!?
-- your thoughts at bedtime: Usually its whatever scene I am working on.
-- your most missed memory: Texas nights. S/D/D moments that I can never get back. The whole summer of 2008.

Where did layer 4 go?
-- smoke: Not usually. Sometimes for shock value.
-- curse: I sure do.
-- sing: A little. Not too often though.
-- take a shower everyday: I have to.
-- have a crush: jajaja...Library Hottie is his name.
-- want to go to college: I am actually in college.
-- like(d) high school: It was interesting and it got me to where I am.
-- want to get married: Some days.
-- believe in yourself: Not as much as I should...
-- think you're a health freak: I kind of wish I was
-- get along with your parent(s): Always.
-- like thunderstorms: LOVE THEM.
LAYER SIX: in the past month...
-- drank alcohol: I have not actually. There could be a glass of wine with Kaylyn, but I think that was in Sept.
-- smoked: Nope.
-- done a drug: Nope.
-- kissed someone: Brownie.
-- gone to the mall: I have actually! The target in Queens is in a mall. And I also went to a mall in midtown a few weeks ago.
-- eaten an entire box of oreos: Yes. But not in one sitting or anything. I am a single woman now.
-- eaten sushi: Yes.
-- been on stage: Sort of.
-- been dumped: Nope.
-- made homemade cookies: Wah, no.
-- gone skinny dipping: No.
-- stolen anything: Your hearts. jajaja.
LAYER SEVEN: ever...
-- played a game that required removal of clothing: No
-- if so, was it mixed company: No
-- been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Uhh...I got pretty close this year, but I wasnt completely out of control I dont think. Sick.
-- been caught "doing something": hahahaah...eiw. No would be the answer to that.
-- changed who you were to fit in: Not really.
-- when do you hope to be married: Before I am dead.
-- numbers and names of children: 2 or 3...depends a lot on child birth
-- describe your dream wedding: A cliff overlooking Cape Breton. The groom: James McAvoy.
-- how do you want to die: From laughing.
-- where you want to go to college: I am at Marymount and perfectly happy here.
-- what do you want to be when you grow up: Rosie.
-- what country would you most like to visit: Scotland
LAYER NINE: in a guy/girl..
-- best eye color: N/a
-- best hair color: N/A
-- short or long hair: Short
-- height: For the longest time I said I wanted to marry someone really tall, but I am realizing more and more that there should not be a height limit. As long as they are taller then 5'2" I can deal.
-- best articles of clothing: 3 piece suit. Gets me EVERY time.
-- best first date location: A good movie
-- best first kiss location: Um, under the stars?
-- # of drugs taken illegally: None.
-- # of pets you have, what kinds, names: 1 dog, Fudge, and 1 cat, Kiddon
-- # of CDs that i own: Like...a lot
-- # of piercings: Three. 2 ear and 1 nose.
-- # of tattoos: None
-- # of things in my past that i regret: Not a whole lot.
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