#53: Juice?

Oct 20, 2005 10:13

Wow, how long is it since I updated last? Very long, I think! So I'll lob up an update, try an figure out what I've been upto recently. I'm back in York right now, havin started my second year of psychology. I say started. I should be in a lecture now, but it got ten minutes in an I jus packed up my stuff an left. I seriously can't do psych anymore, it's really pissin me off. The whole subject's wrong; the last like, 50 years, need re-workin from the ground up. I mean, how the fuck can you model a "science" that deals with a subject matter that is constantly changing on sciences that work entirely with constancies? 2 + 2 will always be 4, and the centre of gravity will always attract, but you'd need atleast 6 billion different versions of psychology (one for every person on the planet), and even then they'd need updatin every single week. And by the very nature of psychologist, i.e, a bunch of puffed up, self important fools, no headway can be made. You can't make any kind of decent study or theory, cos everyone jumps on it like a pack of wolves. God forbid someone else come up with a new theory, eh? So the only way to actually DO anything is to study very small populations. I'm sure understanding how the visual-spatial sketchpad in autistic children over 12 in Swedish suburbia will benefit humanity and psychology as a whole. Afterall, it only tells us fuck all of how the vss works in everyone else. When you sit in a lecture an this runs through your head, it's kinda hard to see the point in studyin the subject at all. Call it arrogant, afterall, what do I know about psyhcology? But it's how I feel about it.

Gonna try an see the head of history, try an get a course change. But what wi things bein the way they are, I might not be able to change this year; I'll have to put my paperwork together an start my first year next year. Which is fine by me, even if it means I've wasted two years. And it'll give me a chance to drop out an get a job, get some money together an buy some of the shit I've been meanin to for ages an haven't quite managed to yet. Like a computer. An a coat. And shit like that. But then again, I think; if I'm gonna start all over again, why not change uni? I mean, I'm set up here, but it's far and away the best institute of education that I could attend. Hell, I got 100 points more at A-level than I needed to get in here. So why stay here when I could do so much better? I dunno, we'll have to see. If I change uni, I might be slapped for top-up fees next year, whereas I don't think I will if I just get an internal course change. I'll have a think on it.

Went to see Soilwork t'other night in Manchester. It wa well good, you could tell they wa properly blown away by how mental the crowd wa, I well enjoyed m'sen. Went shoppin the next day in Manchester for a bit, found quite possibly the best music shop I've ever been in. Vinyl Exchange it's called, and it's dirt cheap; I got Days of Worth's album brand new for £4. Seriously, if you ever see one of these Vinyl Exchanges, go in and spend an hour perusin what's there, cos it's sooo cheap.

And what wa even better wa when I got home last night, I could sleep in my own bed! We've had rat's in t'house recently, in my room, so for the past few night's I've been crashin on setees an floors at other people's houses. Could you sleep in a room when you don't know if that noise you can hear is your heartbeat or a rat nibblin on your toes? I say "rats"; the ratman came round t'other day, turns out it wa one baby rat that had got in somehow an died in my bin. Hardly the infestation I made it out to be, but still. Rats man. Rats.

Anywho, that's about all I can think of right now. Still lookin for a job, hopefully sumat'll come up. Hopefully. If not, I can't afford my rent next month. Maybe not even this month. I've rambled on enough now; check y'all later.

Signing off,

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