In case no one's noticed...

May 11, 2010 11:49

I've been on a lot more recently.
That's because I have been sick.
I either have an awful case of bronchitis, or a slight case of pneumonia. -dramatic hacking cough-
And you know how most of the time when people are sick they lose weight/their appetite? I've gained weight. About FIVE POUNDS.
This happened last year too. At the beginning of the summer I was 140 and then at the end of the summer I was 130. Miracle? I think so. This summer I'm going to take some intense dance classes after getting back from europe. It's going to be the bomb. I might also do some theatre. My mom wants me to, but school plays only are fine with me for the time being. Well, that creepy scratching noise will be investigated this afternoon, mom made sure of that.
Any updates on my dream clothes? Lemme know.
Bye now!!


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