I was tagged a week ago by
edouard_stevew and I'm only just now getting to it. Also, I've never really been one to 'tag' other people, so if you feel compelled to participate in this meme, then consider yourself tagged by me.
Write a journal entry with six random facts about yourself. Then, pick six of your friends list and tag them - no tagbacks. These rules should be included in your entry.
1. I have always been a shy person, especially around people I don't know.
2. My user name comes from an episode of The Simpsons. The episode where Bart donates his rare blood type to save Mr. Burns life. Homer writes an angry letter concerning their lack monetary compensation and Bart mails it for him. Realizing that mailing the letter was a bad idea, Homer goes to the post office to intercept the letter before Burns gets it.
Homer "Hello, my name is Mr. Burns, I believe you have a letter for me."
Postal worker "Ok Mr. Burns, what's your first name?"
Homer "I...don't...know"
3. My high school had a trap shooting club for a few years that I happened to be a part of. I lettered in it, twice. The only other thing I lettered in was band, and if you were in the band for a couple of years you were basically guaranteed to letter.
4. Along with the last one, I own a 12 gauge shotgun.
5. I'm allergic to cats.
6. Despite my generally very easy going attitude, I can be very critical of other drivers when I'm behind the wheel. It wouldn't be a problem if people knew how to drive.