Aug 24, 2005 13:47
my thoughts are scrambled so this might be a little hard to follow
Something wierd is going on between Mike and I.
This weekend at UNC-C was fun besides the aggrivation of a 16 year old. Mike and I had our first altercation. It was about him smacking my ass. I was slightly buzzed and he was definately glazed. I am really uncomfortable with people smacking my ass because it makes me feel raunchy. not to say that any girl who likes it is raunchy, that's just the way it makes me feel. after he did that twice i kind of puched him in the gut. i just didnt like the way that i felt like i was being treated. i mean we go to this party with his friends and all his friends think of us as "together". but when someone asks him if i was his gf he very bluntly says friend. that kind of hurt. just a few nights before he said that we were friends with benifits. i really didn't like that. but it is whatever he wants it to be. all night it was like he would tell people "yeah we are friends" but then act lke we were together.
Sunday- Me and mike got a lot closer than FWB
I was really aggivated about what happened at carrowinds on saturday. all my friend did was beg for a lighter and food. she expected me to pay for everything. i paid for the hotel and got her there and i told her that was the extent of my paying for her. she didnt' have enough money for food. i told her amusement park stuff is expensive but she did not listen. I wanted to leave carrowinds at around 5 but i knew that the boys would probably be too busy at that time to pick us up. so i awaited thier call. they dindt come until about 8:15 adn by that time i was really aggrivated with my friend.
back to sunday-
Mike picked us up from the hotel and we went to his friend's apartment. i didnt go in. i sat outside because i was still frustrated from saturday. MIke came out and sat with me a little bit and we talked about nothing. he went inside and then onw of his friends came out and talked to me. i told hime about mike aggrivation and when mike came out i told mik.
so basically he was there for me. he came outside inthe hot sun and sat with me until i was feeling better.
after the boys got there stuff together we went to subway. my friend and I rode with Mike. He was sweating a lot so i wiped off his face. when i wirped his face off with my hand i could feel his face trembling. it was cut. i was sweet. we get to subway adn Mike comes in and sits downs. seconds later he leaves. when i finally get my food and sit down i realize that he is gone. i go to look for him and he is sitting on the trunk of his car. so i sit with hime and try to get him to tell me what is wrong(he doesnt talk much about his feelings). he does. he tells me that is worried about how we will get home and how he will have to ask his friend for money. i give hime that last of my money for gas. we go to the gas satationa dn i hand him the cash. he looks at it and then looks at me. he eventually takes it while pumping th gas he keeps staring at me wird. we head back to cubway and he offers me the front seat. you see he was taking his two friend me and my friend heather home(to fayetteville). his friends are healthy and my friend is medium sized. i told him that of course i wanted to sit in the front but i dont think that his friends would like it. he said he didnt' care. i was the only one to come out and look for him and i paid for gas. i decided to sit in the back anyways. it is a long ride back to fayetteville and i didnt' want eeryoje to be squished. the whole ride home he kept staring at me through the rearview mirror.
so if you are reading and your thinking 'big deal' it is a big deal. micheal is very rarely 'real' with me. and he allowed himself to do that. that is a big step for him. there is so much more but i will have to finish later.