Gokusen was good last night. It started where the last episode left off, where Yamaguchi-sensei dropped her cellphone and Sawada found it and got a call from home saying "Queen!" and Sawada's all "Queen WTF?" So then he talks to whoever called to get directions to her house to return the phone, but doesn't realize until he gets there that it's her phone (there's a puricura sticker of her on the back of it). So then he finds out about the secret of her family (I'm still not sure what that is either...my Japanese understanding isn't good enough. All I know is that she lives with a bunch of guys who call her "Queen" O.o And no...there's nothing sexual about it). Sawada spends the whole rest of the episode brooding over this.
So then some of the guys were at a restaurant and they were trying to talk to some girls from another school (they go to an all boys school). One of the girls accidentally spills her icecream on Kuma and she was wiping if off with and Kuma falls instantly in love with her. But then the girls all leave and she leaves behind the hankerchief. So the next day Kuma waits outside the private school those girls were from and finds her to return the hankerchief. Then he was about to ask her out and she goes "Mukae-chan!!" Kuma: "Mukae...chan?" And then she runs up to some guy and locks arms with him. Yamaguchi-sensei: "Gee, that's too bad. Sucks to be you." Kuma: "Whatever..." Kuma had a lot of good scenes in that episode. Anyways, in the meantime there's been this group of punks around Ginza beating the carp out of unsuspecting high school students with pipes (the punks had the pipes, not the unsuspecting high school students). One day one of the kids from class 3-D (Yamaguchi-sensei and Sawada's class) gets beat up by those guys. He tells the class that he was cornered in an underground passageway by a bunch of assholes from somethingsomething academy (the same private school that Kuma's crush went to). So the class was all like "Alright, let's go destroy those punks" At the same time Kuma and Sawada are sitting in a restaurant that looks like Denny's, and Sawada goes to the bathroom. Then Kuma overhears some guys from the somethingsomething academy talking about how they had Mukae and his girl captured in a warehouse and they were gonna mess them up for some reason. So Kuma follows them to the warehouse. When Sawada finds out he's missing he calls Yamaguchi-sensei. I think Kuma left a note saying where he went but I'm not sure.
So Kuma follows those guys to the wearhouse where there were some more of them waiting, and they proceed to beat Mukae with pipes. Kuma yells at them distracting them enough for Mukae to get away, but he leaves the girl. Kuma bum rushes one of the guys, but he's soon outnumbered and they start to beat him with pipes. But then Kuma's whole class shows up easily outnumbering the private school bastards. So they're facing off about to fight with Yamaguchi-sensei and Sawada show up. Yamaguchi-sensei jumps inbetween the two sides and is like "what're you gonna do, beat each other up and then just get more pissed at each other" and everyone was like "stfu you're in the way." And then she reprimands the private school guys saying something along the lines of "You think you're tough, ganging up on people like that for no reason." And then 3 of the guys attack her and she takes them all down with ease (not the first time she beat up a bunch of guys....maybe that has something to do with her secret?) But then one of the guys gets back up and manages to punch her in the lip making it bleed, and I was like "You bastard! How dare you lay a finger on her!" And she was the same way. "Hitting a woman? You're lower than scum! Kuma...you were fighting to protect her weren't you? See...Kuma's a real man." And then she lectures them some more and the private school guys start whimpering.
As they're walking him Sawada and Yamaguchi-sensei are walking behind everyone else, and he just out of nowhere finally gets the nerve to tell her that he was the one who returned her cell phone, and that he knows about her family's secret. Then she said something that I didn't understand, and takes her glasses off to wipe a tear or something. Then she runs up to the front of the class and yells out that she'll race everyone to the end of the ravine. Then it cut to the ending theme that involves the whole cast running around in a field and it's really silly. Next week's episode doesn't look as good. It has something to do with basketball. I still wanna figure out exactly what's the deal with her family. Although I read some fan pages which were a little easier to understand than the official website, and it seems she's the last surviving daughter of some old, high ranking samurai family or somesuch.
Another thing I realized was that I probably won't get to see the end of the series before I have to leave, so I hope it comes out on DVD. Then I'll be able to watch it again and maybe gleam a better understanding of the parts where I don't have time to look up unknown words in my dictionary.
And while I'm rambling about Gokusen, here's an obligatory Nakama Yukie pic (I wanted to find one from last night's episode from when she was beating those guys up, but alas I could not...)