Best. Spam. Ever.

Sep 18, 2006 01:10

Okay, I just got the wonkiest Japanese porn spam ever:


さらに、ゲーム中使用されるブロックも、■   」は男性器を横から見た図であり、

「□□             ■■ 
□□  」は、四つんばいの女性、 ■ 」は、性器を露出させている男性。


それらのブロックが、■□□  」 このように結合する様子は、性行為そのもので



ゲームに使用されるブロックは常に、「マワされ(= 輪姦)ながら、堕ちて」いき、無数のブロックが積み重なり、オーガズムをむかえ、消えていく。まさに「乱交」と呼ぶにふさわしい状態です。


Rough 5 minute translation:
(Note that if you see a bunch of little squares floating around, that was their attempt to draw Tetris blocks, and it may not come out formatted correctly, in spite of my best efforts. I won't try to recreate the drawings in my translation, and will instead use common names for the blocks.)

In the word "Tetris", if you think of the "te" as "hand" [te is the Japanese word for "hand"], then perhaps the "tris" [written in Japanese as torisu] is "clitoris" [written in Japanese as kuritorisu]. In other words "Tetris" indicates the act of female masturbation.

Also, the name of the creator of Tetris, Alexey Pazhitnov, may be an alias. You can think of it as a kind of pun: "Alexey" [written in Japanese as arekusei = "It smells down there" [written slangishly in Japanese as are ga kusei].

Moreover, the [L-block] in the game from the side looks like the shape of a male member.

Then the [S-block] is a female on all fours, and the [T-block] is a male with his member sticking out. So each has a sort of sexual imagery to it.

When those blocks are stacked [like this
], you can see that it's two people engaged in coitus.

The rule that inserting a block into an empty space to fill a line, making that line disappear, can be thought of as representing an orgasm.

The blocks in the game are always being turned around (= gang rape) [?!] and dropped into place. Countless blocks are piled up into orgasms and then disappear. "Promiscuous" is surely an apt description of their behavior.

They exist only for pleasure, and is that not man's true nature? You could say without a doubt, that Tetris's success is linked with the fact that it vicariously fulfills one of man's three great desires [what are the other two? o.O]: the desire for sex.

e-mail, japanese, spam, wtf

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