hmm...maybe I should actually do some work....NOT

May 16, 2001 18:55

I've been here for an hour and a half, and the only actual work I've done is I changed a few \\ to /. I spent half an hour finding a computer that doesn't totally suck. And then another half an hour writing that long entry that's before this one. Then I went to the bathroom. Then I dooted around on livejournal some more, and at one point pretended to work for like....10 seconds, and then decided it was futile. And now I'm writing in here again. Why? To waste time I guess. I type too damn fast though, and this only wasted like...2 minutes at the most.
Bleh, I was just choosing the 'Mood' so I could post this, and then my boss came over to talk about the malfunctioning Linux workstation that I'm apparantly gonna have to fix on Friday +_+
I didn't want him to see me doing total crap on here, so I just flipped up the closest thing I could find to cover the screen, that being Tera Term, the telnet program I use. So that was good, 'cause I had some Perl on the screen, and lot of it too, so it looked like I had been typing all that just now. When really all the typing was in here of course.
Hmm...there's no 'unproductive' in this list...

computers, volunteering

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