Today is bleh so far

May 17, 2001 06:22

I had to get up all early again to go to that detention at 8. It's the last time though. My alarm was supposed to wake me up at 7, but it didn't so I didn't wake up until 7:30, and I had to rush out and didn't have time to watch Ranma like I was planning to. Because it's easier to start my day if I've watched some anime first.
At detention I was just gonna sleep, but then I decided to read Huck Finn, 'cause it was pretty exciting and kinda woke me up. Then the secretary lady was having a fit and was about to kill herself because her computer wasn't working. I tried to help, but she wouldn't really let me, because she said I'd be in trouble if I messed with it. So instead she called the school computer people who obviously weren't doing their job and yelled at them instead of making it my problem, and then she thanked me anyways, so I was like "okay". I felt sorry for her though, because she had important stuff to do, and school computer systems are really crappy. My mom is always complaining about her computer at work (since she's a teacher). Although on her computer most of the problem is that the school's server is like 439973464573657 years old, and the system's been upgraded and added to a million times, but the whole thing is a mess, and the school administrators are too damn cheap and computer illiterate to do even understand that something has to be done about it.
Once my mom complained to her dean about the computer system, and almost got fired for it, because the guy in charge of the computers at her school, is the son of the president. And if the dean let the president know that the teachers are complaining about how his son is doing his job, that'd be bad. Because schools are corrupt like that. Anyways, enough of that rant.
They let me leave the office at 9:22, and I was gonna go get some sorta breakfast, but on the way to the cafeteria this guy stopped me and said they were having a blood drive. I thought you had to be 18 to give blood without your parent's permission, but apparently you don't. So I said okay. NEVER GIVE BLOOD ON AN EMPTY STOMACH. When they were taking the blood it didn't hurt and I didn't feel too bad, but then when they took the needle out I instantly felt like I was gonna die of hunger, and like I was about to vomit up my stomach. And I was really faint. But then they gave me something to sniff, and also a soda and cookies, and I felt better. And then I went to math. It sucked, 'cause I was still drained from not getting any sleep last night, and losing blood, and being hungry. So I just had my head down on my desk most of the time. And the teacher was like "Eri~k, you're with us~~" like she often does and it annoys the hell out of me because I don't have anything to do with her or the rest of the class and I don't wanna. I'm not her damn borg. I like teachers like my English teacher who treat me like a human being.
Speaking of whom, after that dreadfully boring and just plain *ugh* hour, I had English for an hour and a half. I spent most of the time finishing Huck Finn, and then I watched Ajani write stuff on the board in Japanese. I woulda joined but I wasn't right next to the board, and I didn't feel like getting up.
And now I'm here. I gotta go eat lunch now, and then I have an hour and a half of economics, which'll be stupid because my teacher isn't here. Then, and this is the worst part, I have another hour and a half of math +_+ I hate this schedule. It's only like this on Tuesdays and Thursdays though.
Then I gotta run home and quickly eat and watch two episodes of Slayers TRY, and then leave early for the anime club. 'Cause the club is at FIU where I work, and I was supposed to get my community service letter yesterday, but the secretary was taking the day off, so I have to get there early today and get my letter to turn in on Friday.
Bleh. Fooooooooooooooooo~~~~~~d!

pain, sas, computers, food, anime, volunteering, school

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