Feb 23, 2010 19:10
Spent the last 5-6 days housesitting, so that's one house 2 dogs 2 cats and 1 14-year old girl. It was interesting... we ended up watching one episode of NextGen and the new final release verson of Children of the Gods. I dropped her off at school at 7:15, with an hour to kill before work. Oh and I got woken up every morning at 4:30 by meowing cats.
I never get tired of going to the Memorial Art Gallery! The upstairs is the best, and it's reorganised by time period. A loaf of bread from a 3,000 or 4,000 year old tomb, thinking more than with other objects how someone ground the flour, kneaded the dough, baked it. A connection to someone so remote!
Anyway had no internet.
Something cool- I guess the word has spread a little at work that I know how to do some computer things. Not complex things, but answers to little problems people have that I have figured out. So they come ask me stuff and I can help them :) :)
Example: making powerpoint slides from a pdf, I used print screen and paint. Simple enough. I was telling my mom about it, and I was saying how I have done that a lot, possibly more than most people.
I said "Because I use it to take pictures of-" and she said "Amanda Tapping, I know."
:) :)