(no subject)

Jan 25, 2010 18:05

I think watching the series premiere of Caprica and the season finale of Sanctuary (both 2 hours) last night was too much- my brain felt mushy today. Or maybe I didn't eat enough blueberries?

Playing with this is more fun than it should be for something so simple http://us.akinator.com/
I wonder what sorts of answers are really common and what sections of society are not well represented? (it seemed to ask about anime and sci-fi often) I helped teach it a little about Amanda Tapping. Important work. It got all the Stargate characters I tried right, but it got Michael Pollan wrong. And so on in that fashion. That's a good phrase.

I've been working at the engineering company for two weeks now (it feels like more than that) and today I told tutoring I might as well not be on the schedle anymore, so I'm down to one job. But in a good way.
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