Nov 26, 2009 23:56
So still no sign of those pesky bedbugs my neighbors seem to be fighting off. Thank Christ!
Enjoying not having to put the alarm clock for 4 am these days...
Had to fend off a well-intended cousin who wanted to fix me up with a friend of a friend of his for a blind date! God, I hate it when people decide they want to "help". I knew it was an effort in futility, but I figured what the hell, so I asked him to show me a pic of the girl/woman in question. I was right. She's so far off the mark. I said 'No offense, but you really have no idea of the kind of women I like, so thanks, but no thanks.' If it had ended there, I would have chucked it up to good intentions, but he kept coming at me with this every fucking time I was on Facebook, so I finally had to tell him that although I'm sure she's a wonderful person and that I appreciate the kind thought behind the idea, I really didn't ask him for anything and would he please stay the fuck out of my personal/dating life? Naturally, that's when you get the apologetic "I was just trying to help..." routine, to which you can only say 'Yes, yes, I know, I know, but if I wanted your help I would have asked for it. So pretty please, with a fucking cherry on top, get yer nose outta my private life.' Whenever I've wanted to meet a woman, I have, and I've never needed anyone's help either. I'm at an age where I would rather be by myself than be with someone just for the sake of being with someone. It's not worth the hassle if you're not really into the person. I know what doesn't work for me, and when I find someone I like, which isn't very often, I don't need someone to hold my hand to make introductions. I can do it myself. Gah!
Otherwise, I spent time with the little one tonight and as always my heart was warmed and I'm happy.