You know the part of the big year abroad plan where I was working in france this summer? Well that wasn't going too well. Basically I'd spent 3 months scouring the internet for jobs and sending off letters and forms and CVs and rien. Then I remembered that Switzerland doesn't have France's humongous unemployment rate (possibly I should have remembered this sooner and it would have saved me a lot of stress!) and so I have 50 copies of my CV and I am off to Geneva. Tomorrow. I booked The flights, that is. I have a list of youth hostel/YMCA type places that are nice and cheap. My plan is to hop about between several of them, since I'm there for seven weeks and the general consensus seems to be that short term is <1 week, long term is 3+ months, and medium-sized term does not exist.
The last few days have been kind of hectic. Mostly running round like a headless chicken buying toiletries and batteries and the like and sorting out money and having enough of it in places I can get to so that if I don't find a job I won't starve. I really hope I do or else this is going to be quite an expensive trip. I can't just go homeafter a couple of weeks if things don't work out, you see. The university's rules about year abroad stuff are SIX WEEKS BARE MINIMUM PER COUNTRY OR NO DEGREE.
I'll try to update here about what I'm up to. Possibly even more than usual. I've also set up a
blog where I'm going to write about all my year abroad stuff in the language of wherever I am at the time. I know I'm bad enough at updating one blog, but I'll try and keep both up to date.
And now I really must get packing!
Hehehe the nervous mood icon amuses me!