Jan 15, 2009 02:39
Wow so I just spent the past hour going over my friends list and I have to say it has seriously bumbed me out. About only 4 of you actually have written anything recent (kudos to you) but man I have to say going over some of my friends pages is almost like going home after a trip and walking into a grave yard. Some friends I remember haven't posted anything IN OVER 4 YEARS!!! Some pages I saw made me just think...why did I ad this person? oh yeah shes a girl and I was a horny ass.
Mutante is someone I really miss. Man we used to hang out all the time in PR, but after she met her girlfriend we just kind of drifted apart...I hope shes happy :(
Renfest is still around and pretty hot. Im happy shes found someone and seems to have had many adventures. Lene's last post was in 2007...eh its better than nothing at least she is still doing her podcast so i know she is well.
I dunno as stupid as it sounds, i miss those times, when I was a stupid idiot who live with his folks and worked dead end part time jobs. I would flirt with girls on this thing, and read some awesome posts. Thanks for those of you who keep posting, god bless you, I hope your happy.