So im datting someone one....
Yeah okay get off up the floor. Yeah I know ive only been here barely a month and i have a girlfriend. Not only that but a keeper! Ladies and Gents (ah who am i kidding no man reads this journal)this is Franca!
Isnt she cute! Shes an actress, she has two jobs one at a very boring office job and another playing for tips at a piano bar! Yeah my girlfriend cant kick any of your girlfriends asses! If you had girlfriends that is...not that there is anything wrong with that.
I really have the buterflys for Franca, the other day she made me dinner! No woman has ever cooked for me before! And she got me flowers! God damn! It just feels great ya know? I mean I dont have to be walking around on eggshells like i did with Mariel or Michelle and I dont have to worry about her having a meltdown like Jaimie. Finaly a sane woman! Not only that but between you and me, the sex could compete in the special olympics.
Its a first for both of us, Franca has never had a serious relationship before and I have never gone out with someone who i can relax around. Not to mention i dont have to worry about hidding the silverwear or revealing my geekness. Franca is truely amazing when she touches a piano, If your ever in NY check out Maries Bar on Grove Street Mondays and Fridays 5-10 and Tuesday 9pm-4am and leave her a tip you cheapskates!
Shes also been in some things, she stared in The Bucher and the Housewife a small indie short film that won all sorts of awards and shes been in two comercials one for Dunken Donuts as a cashier dealing with a crazy custemor and one for Chase bank as a nun who bumps into Ellain from Seinfeld.
I cant stop saying nice things about Franca, shes been suportive of me finding a job and shes been my cheerleader in my momemnts of being bumbed out. So yeah, the big apple aint so bad!
Tune in next week as David gets hit by a bus!