No. Freaking. Way.

Oct 19, 2010 23:54

 I know I have been more or less dead on LJ for a while, but this was enough to jolt some life into this little insignificant blog.

The topic? A USA Today article about Billy Joel

Of particular interest to ME was this little tidbit:

"One more new project has Joel venturing into virtual competition. A dozen of his hits will be downloadable for the video game Rock Band 3, out Tuesday. "I've never allowed my music to be used in a game before," but an Entertainment Weekly review of NBC's The Office changed his mind.

Alluding to an episode in which characters mention a Rock Band featuring Billy Joel, "the critic wrote something like, 'God forbid that ever should happen.' So I called my people and said, 'Get me (on) that Rock Band game.' Then I wrote the critic, saying that every time I get a check, I'll give him a little nod."

Given the new keyboard peripheral and the fact Elton John's already on there this was pretty inevitable, but hearing it from an official publication fills me with more glee than I thought possible at this point! I wonder what songs will be available?

Six days and counting! 

rock band

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