Things I do not get

Aug 11, 2010 11:47

 - The Sonic fandom. Sonic has not been cool or relevant since about the third game. So why is his fandom still so rabid despite the games being so lackluster for years? And furthermore, have none of these kids seen the SatAm series or at least read the Archie comics? Now that was a great supporting cast. Amy and the rest are just annoying anime cliches.

- Certain nooks of the Invader Zim fandom. Now I'll admit Invader Zim is a pretty cool show. Hilariously warped sense of humor and unique artwork. What I do not get is people who find Zim "sexy." I've seen plenty of artwork that depict Zim as tall, lanky and oozing sexuality (for the uniformed he is a diminutive green alien with an inferiority complex trying to conquer earth). IT DOES NOT COMPUTE.

- Marvel Comics. Love the characters and the artwork, but the stories are so convoluted and frankly stupid these days, every time I pick up a random issue of X-Men at the book store I find myself wanting a cliffnotes version of the past ten years of history just to get a grip on what's happening NOW. And they wonder why the comics industry is suffering. (the great exception being Deadpool, who summarizes two years' worth of comics in half a page and whose stories are mostly episodic to begin with)

- On that note, Brand New Day. Joe Quesada should have kept his mother complex to himself while penning that bit of stupid. I can't help but wonder what his wife thinks of his ideas on marriage he's committed to ink through that project.

- Jersey Shore.

- American Chopper. People still watch that?

- Discreet Mathematics. Math is about numbers. Discreet Math has no numbers. WHAT!?

- Why my employees never seem to have any problems getting to work until Friday, the one day I need them most.

- Picky eaters.

- Developers who bulldoze a plot of land flat as a pancake, then give the streets names like Shady Oaks, Lakeview Court, etc. when there isn't a tree or lake in sight. If there is a "lake," it's usually a shallow, scum-filled drainage pond.

- Woody Allen movies.

- Why good bands always break up years too soon, while crappy ones stay together for years and years turning out more crap music.

- People who still think Paris Hilton is hot.

This list brought to you by months' worth of random pondering.

deep thoughts

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