Fic: Again and Again and Again (Sweden/Finland, Ensemble) PG-13 (3/?)

Apr 01, 2011 22:11

Title: Again and Again and Again
Author: hyperemmalawlz 
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Chapter: 3/?
Characters/Pairing: Sweden/Finland, Sweden/Latvia, Sealand (possibly some sort of Sealand/Latvia at some point?), Ensemble.
Word Count: 2020
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The wife, the child, the best friend, the possessor, the man, the boy. It's almost remarkable how many people can get hurt.
Warnings: Cheating, sexual references, swearing, slut-shaming, aging up, bad reasons for sexual relations, age differences in sexual relationships (not to the point of shota, though), complete world-ignorance.
Author's Notes: Written for hetalia_kink, the prompt: Sweden has an affair with someone and Finland comes home one day and catches them in the act. Then followed by a annnnngsty argument of some sort regarding said affair. I want to see some tears and shouting matches or whatever for our "happy couple". The person whom Sweden has an affair with can be anyone, but I'd particularly like Norway or Latvia. I have no idea why. The whole idea for this has grown way beyond what the prompt actually said - oops. Also, I am totally in two minds over whether or not to de-anon on this. The title comes from the Anne Sexton poem by the same name.

Chapter 3

Finland's impulse tells him to call Estonia.

He's also pretty sure that wouldn't end well.

After all, as much as Eduard is his best friend - he cares a lot about Latvia. He had hardly wail about the whore seducing his husband to Eduard when said whore is Eduard's brother, more or less, right? Eduard probably wouldn't believe him if he did. Latvia seems - has always seemed so sweet and innocent; Tino wouldn't believe what he'd done if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes. So he doesn't expect he can win Estonia to his side. Even if he did, what good would it do? They'd get angry at each other. Tear them apart. As angry as Finland is, he doesn't see any good in that. It would just make it easier for Russia to get at them, and he knew Russia - he would never, ever make living with him even worse.

Tino gives a frustrated sigh, looking over to where Sealand is sleeping more-or-less peacefully in the other bed. He can't tell Sealand for fear of upsetting him - with both what his father and his best friend did. He can't tell Estonia for fear of tearing him away from his little brother. He doesn't know who he can tell, so all the while he's left with these thoughts consuming his mind and his heart aching deep in his chest, and it's just not fair because he didn't do anything wrong! He's the victim of all this, right? So why does he have to protect everyone?

Recklessly, he grabs his phone. No, he's not going to tell Eduard everything. But he just... need to talk to someone; as long as he keeps Latvia's name out of it, things should be okay, right?

He pulls himself out of bed and walks into the hallway. He doesn't want to wake up Sealand, after all.

Estonia answers after several rings and Finland is maybe a little eager to talk. “Eduard?”

“Tino,” Estonia grumbles, sounding groggy. “It's two AM.”

Oh, yeah, that. Finland blushes, suddenly feeling bashful. This was probably a bad idea. “...Sorry. I couldn't sleep.”

“...Okay,” says Eduard, still sounding confused. “What's up? Couldn't you have woken up your husband in the middle of night? That has to be easier.”

Finland feels that urge to cry again, but he shakes it away. “Not really,” he says (and apparently that shaking didn't work very well, because his voice sounds more than a little raw. Dammit). “It's not like he's here, after all. Not to mention, it would be... counterproductive.”

“Wait, what?” Estonia suddenly sounds a lot more awake. “Fin, what happened? Did Sweden leave...?”

“No,” Finland answers, trying not to sniffle. “He - he cheated. And I couldn't stay there, at least for awhile. So I... took Sealand and left. We're at a hotel right now. I'm sorry for waking you up, but... I just needed to talk to someone.”

There's a pause. “...Oh,” says Eduard eventually. “Oh god, Fin - I'm sorry. Are you okay?”

“I suppose,” he says. “It just hurts and I can't help but wonder - well, why did he do it? Why did they do it, even? He's not the type...”

“...Do you... know who he was with?” asks Eduard.

Finland bites his lip. “No.” You don't want to know. “I - I heard him with... someone, but I didn't check on who it was. I just... left.”

“Jesus,” mutters Estonia. At the back of his mind, Finland wonders if anyone'd be confused if they came out here and saw him sitting in the middle of the corridor in his pajamas. Well, they can deal. He's hardly indecent. “Is Sealand okay?”

“He's confused. A little hurt. I haven't really told him why this is all happening; I probably should, but...” It'd kill him.

“He'll figure it out eventually, you know,” says Eduard. Yes, but I'm sort of in denial about that. “Listen, do you want me to come over tomo- well, whenever I can?”

Finland understands it easily. He remembers Russia; that Estonia is even trying to get out and see him is heartwarming in itself. “Yes. Thank you.”

There's a pause. “Well. Night, Fin.”


They hang up and Finland makes his way back into the hotel room. From there, he climbs into bed and mercifully falls fast asleep.


Estonia wakes up, remembering everything they went through yesterday. That he agreed to visit Finland. That... seemed a lot simpler at three in the morning.

He groans and pulls himself out of bed, going about taking a shower and brushing his teeth and getting dressed and all that.

“Hi,” he says to Lithuania once he's gotten into the kitchen. “Is Russia awake yet?”

Lithuania shakes his head, busying himself pulling it plates and transferring food and the such. “No. And I hope it will remain that way for awhile, because I'm running a bit behind on making this breakfast.”

“Well, here, let me help you,” Estonia says, stepping forward. Lithuania does. Estonia sort of wonders if they should be getting Raivis to help with this, but he supposes Lithuania is letting the poor boy sleep. He was kind of moody and distant yesterday.

Once they're done, Lithuania sighs. “Could you go wake Latvia up? I have to pack everything away again, and I don't think Russia would be to happy at him sleeping in...”

“Of course,” says Estonia. Lithuania nods and he heads for the stares.

When he gets into Latvia's room, the boy is curled up in the fetal position on his bed. “Hey, Latvia,” he says, gently shaking the boy's shoulder.

Raivis squirms and stirs a bit. “Sve...” he mumbles.

Estonia blinks. “Huh?”

Raivis stirs some more and finally opens his eyes. “Oh, hi Estonia,” he says. “What time is it?”

“Seven-forty-two,” Estonia says. “Ivan doesn't wake up until eight. Lithuania and I have done all the work, just - you should probably be up and out of bed before Ivan.”

Latvia's mouth forms an 'o' as he pulls himself up. “You could have woken me, and - I would have helped.”

“Well, we didn't want to,” Estonia says. “Come on, get up, get dressed.”

Latvia pulls himself out of bed, then looks embarrassed. “Um... I need to get changed.”

Oh. “Um, yes. Sorry.” Estonia steps outside and decides he can go back downstairs and wait for Latvia in the kitchen. They all know where they're meant to be in the mornings.

“Where is he?” Lithuania asks when he comes back down.

“Getting dressed. He'll be down in a minute.”

Latvia is, and then they start their daily tradition of waiting around awkwardly and nervously for Russia to get up and start terrorizing them.

At eight-o-six, Russia does just that. “Good morning,” he chirps. “I like the sunlight through my window today, da? It is so rare we have sunlight like that.”

“Indeed, Russia,” says Lithuania shakily. “Come on, we made you breakfast.”

“You are so sweet, always making me things,” Russia says, taking his seat at the kitchen table. “It is so good that we work together for things, da? Da.”

None of the rest of them have any breakfast. No-one pays any heed to it.

Russia takes a bite of his food. “Lithuania? This tastes very much like your cooking.”

Lithuania smiles weakly. “It is my cooking, sir.” Then he starts looking worried. “Is - is there something wrong with it? I-”

The three Baltics collectively hold their breath. They don't want Lithuania to be punished; not this early in the morning when they actually tried (well, Estonia and Lithuania more than Latvia, but that's not the point).

“Oh, Nyet.” Russia smiles at him, but that only makes it worse. “It is just... did your brothers not help you with this, Lithuania? That seems slightly selfish of them, da? Why should you have to do all the work? I believe they may be ungrateful for your struggling, Lithuania. That is not a good thing.”

Latvia is biting his lip to keep from whimpering, and Estonia reaches across and grabs his shaky hand. He at least helped somewhat. Latvia was asleep. The truth would get Latvia into a lot more trouble than him. God, their lives are so unfair.

“Oh - oh no, Mr. Russia Sir, they helped,” says Lithuania with a reassuring smile. “It's just that all the recipes and ways of cooking were mine, so it tastes like my cuisine.”

There's a pause. Estonia grasps Latvia's hand tighter. And then, Russia's face relaxes. “Oh, very good,” he says. “It is so nice that they let you take the glory when they work just as hard as you, da? So very, very nice.”

“Indeed,” says Lithuania. There's an uncomfortable silence as Russia begins eating again.

“M-Mr. Russia, sir?” stutters Latvia. “M-may we start p-preparing our own breakfast now?”

Estonia's heart thumps in anticipation of what might happen, but Russia doesn't miss a beat. “Oh, yes, of course. You have all worked so hard, too. You deserve to eat.”

They nod gratefully and go about preparing their own breakfasts (Latvia has to have the other two fetch a few things out of the very top cupboards for him). And Estonia tries not to think of times when food was not something that had to be 'deserved'.


About noon, Estonia decides to do it.

“Guys?” he says, getting attention from the other two of them in the library. “I - I need to go out today. And I'd rather Russia not know about it. So, I'm going to need your help.”

Latvia and Lithuania share a look. “Why?” asks Lithuania.

“Because you know how hard it is sneaking past Russia-”

“No, I mean, why do you need to go out?”

Estonia sighs. “It's Finland,” he says. “Something bad happened, and I want to be a good friend. But you know Russia... has problems with Finland, so will you help me?”

Lithuania still looks very confused. However, Latvia's gone white and is staring at the floor. Estonia frowns - what's that about...? Oh, he must be worried about Sealand.

“W-what's going on?” asks Latvia, not quite looking at him. “I mean - do you know?”

Internally, Estonia cringes a little. He doesn't want to tell Latvia. He knows Sweden ruled over Latvia for quite a long time, brought a lot of good to the land, and Latvia still has a lot of love and affection for the man (Estonia can't quite understand why he cares so much for a man who was, after all, still an invader, but he supposes he can't judge the perspective of a different nation). Latvia is... sensitive, and Estonia doesn't want to make him disappointed in someone he admires like that. There's a good chance Latvia will find out... well, whenever Sealand does given how close they are, but Estonia would rather put it off as long as possible.

So he decides to remove elements. “I - he's having a lot of difficulty with Sweden. He's had to leave the house actually; he's taken Sealand and they're staying at a hotel.” Latvia looks a little shocked, and Estonia bites his lip. “But Sealand is okay... if that is what you're worried about.”

Latvia shakes. “Oh. I suppose... that's good,” he mutters, folding his body back in on itself.

There is one of those uncomfortable moments where Estonia doesn't really know what's going on.

Lithuania coughs. “So, um... would you like us to get you out of here now?”

Estonia shrugs. “As soon as possible would be nice.”

Lithuania smiles, and starts leading him out. Latvia doesn't follow.

latvia (aph), ensemble (aph), sealand (aph), fanfic, axis powers hetalia, sweden/finland, fic: again and again and again, sweden (aph), sweden/latvia, finland (aph)

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