Fic: Again and Again and Again (Sweden/Finland, Ensemble) PG-13 (2/?)

Mar 28, 2011 22:01

Title: Again and Again and Again
Author: hyperemmalawlz 
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Chapter: 2/?
Characters/Pairing: Sweden/Finland, Sweden/Latvia, Sealand (possibly some sort of Sealand/Latvia at some point?), Ensemble.
Word Count: 1864
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The wife, the child, the best friend, the possessor, the man, the boy. It's almost remarkable how many people can get hurt.
Warnings: Cheating, sexual references, swearing, slut-shaming, aging up, bad reasons for sexual relations, age differences in sexual relationships (not to the point of shota, though), complete world-ignorance.
Author's Notes: Written for hetalia_kink, the prompt: Sweden has an affair with someone and Finland comes home one day and catches them in the act. Then followed by a annnnngsty argument of some sort regarding said affair. I want to see some tears and shouting matches or whatever for our "happy couple". The person whom Sweden has an affair with can be anyone, but I'd particularly like Norway or Latvia. I have no idea why. The whole idea for this has grown way beyond what the prompt actually said - oops. Also, I am totally in two minds over whether or not to de-anon on this. The title comes from the Anne Sexton poem by the same name.

Chapter 2

“Hey? Latvia?”

Latvia looks up from where he is burying his head in his knees, to see Sealand - his best friend - looming over him. Oh god, what did Finland tell him? “P-please go away,” he stutters, before burying his head again, as best he can.

He hopes to hear the sound of footsteps walking away - he doesn't. Instead, Sealand crouches down beside him and Latvia hesitantly raises his head. “Hey? You okay? The amazing Sealand isn't going to just let anyone get away with making you feel like this, you know. Did Russia do something? C'mon, talk to me. Raivis?”

Latvia shudders at the boy's concerned voice. God, he has no idea. “I'm f-fine,” he stutters. Please don't worry about me; I know I don't deserve it. “Sealand... when did you last see your - well, Finland and Sweden?”

Sealand frowns. “This morning. Why?” Latvia hesitates, and Sealand's eyes go wide. “Oh my god, what happened to them? Were they invaded or something so now you have to bare the news-”

“No, no, it's - it's not like that, relax. It's just...”

Latvia hesitates. He doesn't want Sealand to know. Even if he would deserve it, Sealand would look at him like... And he can't cope with that.

“It's - it's not really my place to say.” Liar. “But something - something important happened... I'm pretty sure. I mean, I d-don't really know what...” He is lying to begin with, after all. “I just - I just think it w-w-would be a really good idea if you go back and... talk to them.”

This has every chance of backfiring horribly upon him. He thinks - he expects Finland will tell Sealand exactly what he did, if Sealand asks him. And Sealand will never forgive Latvia for that - how could he? Yet Latvia gives it the chance anyway, because... no matter how the thought of losing his best friend hurts, he made his bed, and he must lie in it.

Sealand is frowning at him. “Um, okay... What's going on? Are you okay? Because you're kind of scaring me, and the amazing Sealand dealt with you stabbing me with a flower without freaking out, so this is getting pretty damn weird.”

Latvia cringes when he remembers the flower - not a vicious moment, but a mad one, and painful, even just a little. He knows he is crazy. He knows he can hurt people. But it's not his fault, he swears, because Mr. Russia has always been there and Latvia can't help but believe he has absorbed the man, let him clutter the walls of Latvia's mind with his own flowers (sunflowers, apparently). All will become one with Russia.

“I'm alright,” he says. “It - I don't think it's anything to do with me. J-just - it would be, um, important to - to you - just please talk to your parents, alright Peter?”

Peter's still frowning, but he nods. “Okay.” He stands up. “I'll go... do that then. Thanks for the heads up. I'll see ya; try and explain whatever the hell is going on with them once they tell me.”

You won't, thinks Latvia, combined with the strangely bitter undercurrent of how naive can you possibly be? He's thankful for it, however. Sealand claps him on the shoulder and walks off, and as Latvia watches him the tears spring to his eyes before he even notices. How very surprising.

It was never meant to happen like this. He never meant to hurt anyone - not Mr. Finland, even; he likes Mr. Finland. He makes good food, and is kind, and treats Sealand well. But Sweden... He knew Sweden. Sweden owned him, and took care of him, giving him his golden age - he let Riga be the largest city in his kingdom, even, if only for a little while. And compared to Mr. Russia... Russia tore him down. So he cherished the man who pulled him up.

He knew that would never happened again, in a modern world - he didn't truly want it to. He was an independent nation, for better or for worse. But he wanted to feel what he felt from Sweden; that protection, that closeness. He never shared his body with Sweden when he was occupied - he was a child - but it was something. And when... it... happened, he felt slightly better.

But it was a crazy thing a crazy boy did, and crazy things hurt people.


“Um, hey?” calls Sealand as he steps through the front door. “Latvia told me I might want to go home and see you... where are you both?”

It takes a few seconds, but Finland starts scrambling out of the first door on the left and towards him. “Sealand!” he says and hugs the boy tight. Um, ow, thinks Sealand. “I didn't think you'd be back so soon.”

“Yeah, well... Latvia told me...” he feels Finland's body stiffen, and soon he pulls out of the hug.

“Told you? Told you what?” He seems very, very confused and a little pissed off.

“Um...” Sealand hesitates. “That he thought something important happened here - he didn't know what; I think he was just eavesdropping or something... anyway, he told me I should go home and figure it out. So, uh... this is the figuring out bit, right? You guys gonna tell me what is going on?”

Finland stands up, and looks away from him, pacing on the spot. Sealand realizes Sweden is leaning against a doorway across the room. “Seal'nd,” he says. “W'sn' expectin' ya yet.”

“Yeah, Mama just said that,” he says, and he frowns when he doesn't get Finland's usual don't call me that look/reminder of sniping skills. Okay, something is up. “...So, could you tell me what's going on? 'Cause I have no idea, and I know you ain't much of a talker, but...”

Finland bites his lip, looking over his shoulder at Sweden. Sweden sighs. “'S complicated.”

“Simplify it?”

“Sealand, please stop,” says Finland Sealand looks back up at his 'mama', and sees his eyes are bleary and red-rimmed, like he's been crying. Like he could start again soon. He thinks he might see a speck of vomit stuck to Finland's chin - Gross.

“Hey, Finland, you okay?” he asks, stepping closer. Finland looks away from him once again. “Mama? You're not even getting mad at me for calling you that.”

From his different angle, Sealand can stare through the door into their dining room, and sees - “Hey, Finland, why's your bag there? Why is it packed?”

Finland hesitates, but finally manages to meet Sealand's eyes again. “I'm leaving.” Suddenly, he stands up straighter, seeming kind of proud. “I don't know for how long. You can come with me if you like, Sealand, but...”

“Wait, what?” Sealand asks, trying to get his head around this. “Why? What happened? Why do you have to leave? And are you just expecting me to chose you over Papa; because I don't see a real reason you're better than him or anything...”

Both his parents cringe, and - okay, this is getting really confusing. “I didn't say you had to come,” says Finland, but into that sweet total-mama voice (even if he'd never admit it), which can make Sealand feel guilty for pretty much anything ever.

“Oh... Gah, that's not what I meant. I just... really, have no idea what's going on.”

His parents look back at one another again, and now it's Sweden's turn to look like he's about to cry. Finland sighs.

“Then please, stop asking,” he says. “I know who you are and I know how you feel about not knowing things, but - this is best for you, trust us. Now, do you want to come with me to the hotel? You don't have to; please don't let me pressure you.”

Finland hesitates. God, his parents are breaking up, aren't they? He doesn't understand what's going on or why, or what to do about it. Can he really just go with Finland and abandon his papa? Then again, if he doesn't he's just doing the same to Mama. It doesn't make any sense. He shouldn't have to make this choice. The countries of Finland and Sweden have been independent for centuries, sure, but why can't they just be together like they're meant to be?

There must be someone responsible for this. The most evil, awful, cruel person on the planet. Who hates Sealand that much?

Sweden's voice comes through to him. “Jus' go. 'S prob'ly f'r the best.”

Sealand's taken aback by that. Huh? Finland and Sweden share a look; Finland seems just as surprised, and really sad.

Eventually, Sealand sighs in surrender. “Fine,” he says. “I'll go with you, Mama. Just give me some time to pack.”

He starts to walk up the stairs, leaving his parents alone with their stupid changing and stupid sadness and stupid secrets.


When they arrive at the hotel, Sealand takes the chance one more time. “So... now we're here and Sweden's not, you're not going to tell me what's going on by any chance, are you?”


There's an awkward pause.


And Finland sighs. “Sorry,” he says. “Please. I won't... I can't tell you all the details. But... Sweden did something, okay? Not something unforgivable, but something that... hurt me. And I need some time away to deal with this.”

Sealand blinks. “Alright then.” It's not alright; that doesn't settle much of his curiosity and gets his head full of a million ideas of what could have happened. But he won't ask anymore questions. Both because he doesn't want to annoy Finland, or make this harder on him... and a little because he's scared of what his papa might have done. Sweden is a good man, right? He'd never hurt Finland. So why's he done just that?

He does find another question he wants to ask though. “Hey, how'd Latvia know something was up, anyway? You know, to tell me to go home.”

“I saw him outside our house before; I assume he came to see you and overheard us fighting,” answers Finland quickly and coldly. Sealand blinks. It makes sense, but...

Finland sighs. “Come on, Sealand. Unpack your things. Then, we can put the TV on, watch whatever you want. I'm really sorry about all this.”

“Yeah,” says Sealand, stepping forward to lean against his mama's shoulder. He's still not as tall as the man, but he's getting there. “I mean... Me too. I don't want you to be hurting, Mama.”

“Don't call me that,” says Finland, and Sealand sighs in relief - finally. “But... don't you feel responsible for me.”

Sealand nods. “Okay,” he says.

“Anyway, unpack.”

Sealand nods and starts actually being obedient, for once.

latvia (aph), ensemble (aph), sealand (aph), fanfic, axis powers hetalia, sweden/finland, fic: again and again and again, sweden (aph), sweden/latvia, finland (aph)

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