damn it all!

Jul 05, 2009 12:01

Well my weekend totally got shafted, I can say that much for sure. I had plans to drive up Friday and meet with my family in Port Austin. You know, do some swimming, and relaxing, and BBQing. Oh and watch the Port Austin firework show. So I am all excited about this. And then I eat dinner Thursday night and spent the rest of the evening feeling like I was about to toss my cookies. And my stomach was just churning churning churning. Oh crap. So I sleep on it, hoping it was a one time thing, and nope. Next day for breakfast I felt even worse. In most cases I still would have gone up there. Not like I've never been sick at the camper before. However, I am not one to willingly make a 2 1/2 hour drive by myself while not in good condition. That just aint safe!

So I call my mom to deliver the bad news. Of course mom is disappointed and Karen is pissed off and thinks I am making excuses. Ok like I would rather stay home and be bored than be up there? What ever... I was most upset about my mom. Some of Grant's family was interested in joining them, but backed out at the last minute. Which is just a crap-tastic thing to do in the first place. If you tell people you are going to do something, and they are expecting you... then don't just go backing out for other plans last minute. That is such a horrible thing to do to someone, and I absolutely HATE when people do that. Be honest and upfront if you have no intention of going, or there are other plans you have already made. Is that so hard to do? I also had to miss out on Angela's BBQ Friday evening as well. But even then I told her before hand I might not be able to make it because I was heading up north that day. I had to see how things panned out.

Today my stomach is feeling better, sort of. So I am probably just going to continue my plans of taking the weekend easy.
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