May 27, 2009 17:03
Okay, so I haven't posted in awhile. I've got half a chapter of Sinful and about a million ideas. :( But getting them down is a bitch and a half. But I'm sure plenty of you know how that is. So, I figure I might as well try out this daily writer's block thing. Maybe it'll help me get something down for you guys. I hate disappointing people. :<
Anyway, I have to admit that I have so many favorite comments and threads from posts. All from various roleplay journals. Trying to get myself back into roleplay too, and that's just as hard as writing fics, really. Maybe a little harder. But i love it. I love the interactions and the humor and god, you guys probably have no idea.
I play on a community now called DramaDramaDuck here on livejournal. I currently have three characters and am contemplating a fourth (go watch Supernatural. Nooooow! 8D). And the people I roleplay with are just MANY kinds of amazing. There's no way I can even find the words to express this. But most every thread we have is beyond awesome. Some of my favorites are the logs I have with Lylith, who plays Hakuba on DDD. My Heiji and her Hakuba butt heads so many times. It's so funny because the two of us have these epic logs because neither one of us even knows how to shut up, it seems. It's come to the point that our characters have gone from being rivals that hated each other to some weird best friend relationship that really shouldn't have come up. There was this one log where Heiji was turned into a dog by someone who had been very bored (bah, please don't ask. It's a very -very- long story), and Hakuba had to take care of him. It was just so SO funny.
OH! And I also play Kanda as well, and his introduction post? Oh my god. For a grumpy guy he sure talks a lot more than you'd expect him to. I'm starting to think that somewhere deep in his anti-social there's a sense of politeness when he's talking to someone, even if it's someone he hates. So he probably thinks it's rude to just cut off a conversation. But yeah, his introduction post was some of the biggest crack I've seen all year so far. All the character interactions with people I never expected him to talk to? He had this nice conversation with a guy who pestered him about where he worked. So for like, ten comments or so you just get things like 'flight attendant?' 'No.' 'Waiter?' 'No.' 'Bus Driver?' 'No." etc. And someone else mistook him for a girl and said he was very pretty. And there was another guy, creepy creepy guy, who had this epic conversation with Kanda that just wouldn't end. He was practically stalking him in this thread and seemed to know just what pissed him off. It was so funny.
I shouldn't have to mention all the sugar fluff either. My god, how much sweetness can one add to a relationship? Heiji and Kazuha aren't even together yet in the community and I STILL want to go 'AWWWWWWW' whenever they talk. They should just get it over with and date already. B| Stupid muses. Why must you be so dense and stubborn?
Well, yeah, there's my rant for today. I can't just pick one thread so you guys get to deal with 'all of them!!!!11one' as an answer. What a long journal for such a lame answer. 8D
If anyone has any drabble prompt things like this, or hell, just a few words that you'd like a fic blurb for, please share. Anything that can get me writing again. <3
[what] writer's block