Last Thursday
niveus_tigris was found dead in his home. I found out on Friday. I don't really have words yet for the impact that had on me. I'm not okay with it. I spent much of Friday and Saturday in bed and alternately crying and feel numb. I'm getting better about it and I recognize that my emotional state prior to the news is affecting how I'm dealing with this now. Interestingly, I think it is helping me get out of the numb no-fucks-left-to-give place.
He was like the older brother that mine never was to me. He asked the hard questions and made me think. He was always passionate and moved to better the world. Even when we disagreed about how to do that we could still talk about it. He kept me company on many a long drive just talking to me for hours like he was in the car with me. He instictively understood my cat side, no explaining necessary, because he was too. We could share space and not have any expectations, just be.
We always tried to make time for each other even though we lived so far apart. I have a calendar reminder to poke Tiger every other week. Check in and see how we are doing. Tomorrow is the first time I won't be able to get an answer.
X-posted to DW