Greek Mythology Casting Part 2

Jan 10, 2011 16:46

The God Of The Dead
Tom Guiry
Michael Weiss

The god of the dead, well clearly he’s not a happy sunshine neighbour, he is a loan shark among other shady business deals and he lives in Las Vegas but more of the darker and more twisted side of the city of sin, Hades takes advantage of Persephone, more to mess with Demeter just ‘for fun’ and sleeps with her, he doesn’t plan to take it further but Persephone runs away to be with him and wants to get married and Hades doesn’t mind having a barely legal (by human standards) wife to have some fun with and piss off Demeter and Zeus some more, besides what should the god of the dead care what anyone else thinks, along the way he gets Persephone hooked on drugs and she nearly overdoses numerous times causing the ‘rehab deal’ Persephone would go to rehab for three months of a year (like the spring deal) but ultimately she goes back to Hades who doesn’t really care that much and has plenty of other women though Persephone believes he loves her.

*ducks from flying garbage* I get it everyone loves hades/Persephone but to me it’s always been a little skeevy, I mean yeah she might have grown to love him in some way, I’m not saying the god of the dead doesn’t deserve some love but the fact is he did kidnap her to begin with, or at least twist her mind, it’s also not about the age (although when you see the may December couples you can’t tell me you don’t think gold-digger/cradle robbing perv or ‘why can’t they get someone their own age’ anyway the point is there’s always going to a be a little bit ‘really’ for me in that couple. I’ve liked Tom Guiry since I saw him in the Black Donnellys (brilliant show more people should have watched and it should never have been cancelled) in that show he was the junkie screw up but I think he could play the authoritative in control thug/mobster type also when the younger version of himself isn’t cutting it with the guys who are meant to pay up it’s always useful to pull out the big guns of talking to ‘the boss’ so that’s where Michael Wiess comes in to play the bigger badder version of Hades, (which I think Persephone sees as ‘work Hades’ he does what he has to blah blah blah while she love the Tom Guiry representation of Hades and sees him as the true Hades/the ‘side no one sees’) but honestly he is the god of death and he enjoys it.


The Goddess Of Marriage
Bonnie Somerville
Rachael Carpani

Hera is a typical 2nd wife and in some ways already a bitter ex-wife, young, blonde, pretty, only just ‘connected’ with her past memories, she is jealous of Demeter and Zeus’ close friendship and past relationship, she tries to get along with Apollo and Artemis but neither of them really pay attention to her, the drastic change in lifestyle has annoyed Hera who was used to the finer things or at least thought she would finally be getting them, she has become addicted to the shopping channel and psychics running up their credit card bills. Hera is also extremely annoyed by the amount of attention Leto receives from the family though she knows this makes her appear childish, she feels visit).

I’m not sure about who I want to cast here, to be honest I haven’t actually seen either actress in very much but they have the ‘look’ I was going for and I know, I know, it’s extremely stereotypical for me to cast the new young pretty ‘dumb’ 2nd wife as a blonde but in my head it works and Hera is a little complicated but she’s still what she is, she’s manipulative, jealous, vain, somewhat ditzy but she’s capable having drawn herself up in her human life from a waitress’ daughter living in a trailer to a high class woman married to a rich and powerful business man, until he lost it all and Hera was taken away from the lifestyle she’d always wanted, taking her back to the beginning, a life of wanting but not having which brings out a lot of insecurities in her. I find the Hera is the legends rather annoying and certainly not a ‘queen’ then again the Zeus of legends is really a man whore and I don’t respect him much (so I changed him but I guess I’m not exactly go feminist cause Hera is sort of worse than her original self but this character is needed for the story and world I’ve created in my mind).


The Goddess Of Love & Beauty
Navi Rawatt

Everybody thing’s she’d have everything, she’s beautiful (but only considered a pretty face) has been rich her whole life (but only because of her family, not her) , she’s married but more because of obligation than love, she had nothing, a son and a lover who was always off fighting (not a safe environment to raise a child) and then there was Hephaestus, he loved her and offered to marry her and raise her son (by another man) and offer her security because he was still rich while everyone else seemed to be losing money, she so agreed, thinking she’d grow to love him but so far she doesn’t think she has. Aphrodite has been thinking about her life and realising she’s not fulfilled, she was famous but that was empty, she was a club singer but someone prettier came along, everybody wants to be with her but she’s only a pretty face to her, Ares she thought loved her, but she grows to discover he only loves having sex with her, Hephaestus loves her yes but she doesn’t know if she loves him because being loved by someone does mean you love them back. Aphrodite knows she loves her son and she’s slowly come to the depression realisation that maybe only family love is there for her because she doesn’t think she’s ever been in love, which is a depressing thought for the goddess of love, however she knows she can see love in others and decides to open her own business, a match making business and finally earn her own money and be her own person. Aphrodite also breaks up with Ares because he doesn’t love her and she’s not sure she’s in love with him either and she wants to make her marriage work, maybe she hasn’t tried to love Hephaestus and she married him so that has to mean something.

Navi Rawatt is beautiful and a classic beauty at that but I think she could pull of the sadder side of Aphrodite that I see because being ‘just a pretty face’ for thousands of years has to wear on a girl. Rather a short explanation but there you have it.


Athena (i meant to do her now but she hasn't got bio outside my head yet)
Ares (his bio needs touching up)
Eros (2nd generation)
Eris (a throw away thought that got me obsessed and made me create yet another character i don't need considering i already have too many and i don't do well with multiple timelines but here's to hoping)
Apollo (2nd generation)
Artemis (2nd generation)
Hermes (2nd generation)
Persephone (2nd generation)
Circe (2nd generation)

Please Tell Me What You Think (cause these make sense to me in my head but I also know what's going on in the story, I will post the entire timeline/playout eventually if anyone cares but i'm not sure if they'll make sense to anyone outside of my head... and if you are in my head i hope you haven't lost the map cause it's a scary place sometimes hahaha)

greek mythology

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