Apparently one of my friends, Sohaib Saeed, is going to be on The Last Word on BBC1 at 10:30 tonight. I haven't seen much of him since he switched courses, but he is a nice guy; he takes his religion seriously but was never preachy and is strongly opposed to people misinterpreting Islam to justify things like suicide-bombing and wife-beating and things like that. He's a spokesperson for the
Muslim Association of Britain and writes for
iWitness, "Scotland's Muslim Newspaper". It should be interesting, I'm going to try and watch.
On a decidedly less serious note:
a Ninja
You scored 10 Honor, 5 Justice, 6 Adventure, and 2 Individuality!
You are a soldier of the night. You rely on no more than your cunning
and your repuation to strike fear in the hearts of lord and peasant
alike. You've a sense of honor, but one that comes from within, not
imposed from outside.
Black clothes and shuriken for you. You're gonna do just fine.
My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 84% on Ninjinuity
You scored higher than 53% on Knightlyness
You scored higher than 38% on Cowboiosity
You scored higher than 3% on Piratical Bent
The Cowboy-Ninja-Pirate-Knight Test written by
fluffy71 on
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