Been a while

May 15, 2009 08:40

I realized it's been a while since I've posted here. Not a whole lot is going on lately.

Had plans last night to neet a guy who looked quite handsome in his profile and from our chats, seemed to have a lot in common with me. I was really looking forward to meeting him but had a feeling he was going to no-show. I was right. He stood me up and never answered his cell phone when I called him. *sigh* Buffalo guys suck... and not in a good way.

A friend from the comic store saw me wearing my Highlander hat. He and a couple friends got into the second edition of the Highlander CCG so I thought I'd check it out. It looks like the first edition cards don't mix well on some points with it so I can't use my old decks and boxes of 2nd edition are going for over $70 each. I can't afford that. The other guys in the group play the Vs CCG and that's kinda cool and the cards are a lot less expensive so I'm giving that a try. I'm also selling a handful of my old Magic cards that I haven't used in years which will give me some money to buy some Vs cards and set some money aside for other stuff too. At least now I have something sort of social to do on Saturdays if I can fit in there. (The group all knows each other and are younger than me so I feel a little awkward. Plus, they all have tons of good cards already which makes the decks I build lame compare to theirs.)

Other than that, not too much going on. Mostly just pop stuff on Facebook from time to time when I can. Time to get ready for work...

guys, ccgs, social

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