My computer hates me

Nov 04, 2007 19:10

Well, I was going to be reloading my computer this weekend but it looks like the problem is hardware instead of software. It's times like this that I realize the limitations of how much I do know about computers. (Wish I had a real job where I could learn stuff from people and learning stuff wasn't discouraged.) Friday, I came home and double checked my backups. Then I turned the computer off to blow some canned air through to clear things out and get ready to reload the OS and programs. I go to boot things up and I kept getting errors. (This whether I use the hard drive, XP install CD or a special boot CD with an OS on it that I have.) Looking online, the error seemed to be hardware related and one friend suggested switching the RAM around. I left the machine for the time being and took a break for the night. In the morning, I got up and the computer's power would come on and the fans would start and then it would power right down but the power light would remain on. Eventually I got it to actually run and I tried working with the RAM and with RAM out of the second slot, thing seemed to boot up ok. I figured I'd hold off on the reload for the time being and tried played some EQ2. After a little time gaming, I'd hear some quiet beeping from the PC (the case was still open) and within 15 second, the computer would either lock up or reboot. It seems like something was overheating and I noticed the Gigabyte AGP 8x fan on the motherboard wasn't turning. Not sure if that's related but I assume it was. After a few times of it rebooting, I gave up and let it sit. It ran fine sitting there for hours without rebooting or locking but but as soon as I started EQ2 and played for a bit, it rebooted again. A little while ago, I went in to try to boot up the machine again and I'm having the same power issues I had originally yesterday. UGH!

I'm thinking I'm going to have to replace a bunch of the hardware. I wish I had more expertise or some friends in the area who did to talk this over with but I don't. I'm figuring I need to replace the motherboard which means new RAM, video card, and processor. Plus, most motherboards I saw had only 1 IDE slot and I'd need 2 so I'll need a card to handlle that too. :( I'm looking at $300+ that I really don't have to spend. (i.e. it'd go on the credit card, which I really don't want to do.) If I don't make a decision on this soon, the computer won't be up and running when the new EQ2 exansion comes out either.

I'm feeling really frustrated, out of control, and about really to just loose it. It's stuff like this that reminds me how little I have here both financially and support-wise. I really hate the path my life has lead me in.

computer, eq2

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