Another weekend down

May 08, 2006 08:59

It was a nice quiet weekend. Not much happened. Saturday, I played a lot of EQ2. Sunday started out with that but I found myself getting bored and not really having anything I wanted to do a whole lot. (I leveled a few characters here and there and but really wasn't into it much.) As it was, most of the weekend I was watching movies while I was playing which kept me distracted enough. Sunday evening was just too much tho I had to get out of the game. I said my good byes and went into the livingroom to finish watching the movie I had started. Got chatting with jlyon1515 and turned on cam while we chatted. (Fully clothed, so get your minds out of the gutters!) It was cool to see him on there. He's a very cute guy and we have a lot in common and seem to find more and more as time goes on. Looking forward to finally meeting him in person and hanging out. He pointed me to this DVD Profiler thing to list your DVDs so I signed up for that and started inputting mine. Should be really cool.

Been having some issues when I do a lot of walking with my legs getting sore. Same thing happened when I took a walk Sunday to get some fresh air and pick up the Sunday paper. I noticed after I was home that the muscles near the front of my legs (especially the right one) were really tight. I've had the same issue doing cardio at the gym. I think that Thursday after I get paid I am going to go look into getting a new pair of sneakers. The ones my mom gets are a little on the cheap side and don't have good support.

I've definitely noticed a growing comfort with myself lately tho. Yesterday when I went out, I didn't even bother wearing a hat which is something I'd almost never do before. I'll be glad when I'm finally and fully comfortable in my own skin.

legs, eq2, dvd profiler

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