This and that

Aug 17, 2005 09:06

OK. Where to start? Guess I'll just catagorize the past few days...

Bear Night
Had a nice time. Saw some friends, including one I hadn't seen in months that I'd been watching for. The night was a lot more low key than I thought it would be for the last bear night there. A lot of people left early too so I ended up calling it an early night. It was nice nonetheless. Really need to drive back down there and check out the Pride store since stuff's on sale. For some reason it wasn't open Saturday though. :(

Well, I hit the gym today. Been laying low due to the cyst on my backand I wanted to make sure it was healed up enough. Did a nice bit of cardio and a little arms. Avoided chest, back, and shoulders since I didn't want to stress the area on my shoulder blade. There was a few nice pieces of eye candy in there today for a change. Weighed in before jumping in the shower -- 227 pounds. I don't even remember the last time I weighted that little. Dang! Now to keep losing weight and get some more muscle on me.

I have an appointment a week from today to get a physical and have my shoulder looked at. Hopefully I will be referred to a surgeon that I can get into real soon. Even though it's healed up a little, it's real sore and I'd like toget it taken care of. I need to get in to have my blood tested too before then. Went to do it yesterday but found out I need an appointment or I'd have to sit and wait until they felt they could take me. I left. Was always able to just walk in before. My blood sugar level was only 107 this morning so I'm happy. That's better than it usually was when I remembered to take it.

Stopped to try to pick up Half-Life 2 again, but they are still out of them. (Or are again or something) I have a raincheck to get it for $19.99 so I'll keep watching for it. At least CompUSA is right next to my gym. Played a little EQ2 and CoH last night. CoH was a bit of a fiasco. More deaths than we've ever had. After dying 3 or 4 times in like 10 minutes on a mission that we were failing misserably and seeing it was almost 11 p.m., I headed out to get ready for bed. I was tired and getting grumpy. Just had really bad luck with teams in both games the last few days. Been enjoying EQ2 while soloing as well as the raid my guild did Saturday night before Bear Night. Will definitely be putting time into EQ2 tonight. For trade skills in EQ2, I've got Alveryn headed to be a weaponsmith. I was thinking of making Verkatus a carpenter. Any input on that?

With losing the weight, I've been feeling better about myself. I still need to lose weight so I'm not so fat but I'm getting better. A couple friends asked to see some new pics of me. I need to take some. Wish I had a good place I could take them and/or had someone to take them for me. Anyone want to help? Maybe I'll see what I can do around the house with the timer. Just gotta keep working on getting rid of the gut. Wish I could just stop eating for a week.

Still thinking of doing that movie night though plans seem to be on and then off and then on in my head. Maybe September. Need to find more interesting things to do to get me out of the house. Thought, if people are going to be driving liek everyone I saw this morning, I'm staying home!! My aunt's in town from Denver so I'll probably be heading up to Lockport Sunday to see everyone. Also need to get my money from the garage sale. LJ now gives us 100 icons instead of 50. I wonder how long it will take for me to use up all of those too. ;) Already added a few. Maybe once I get some new pics, something will come of those. I need more ideas though. Everything else seems to be good.

weight, gym, health, eq2, coh, social, bear night

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