To get to the pumpkin patch you have to catch one of these tractor pulled hay rides that will take you around and down the hill.
Its bumpy, crowded and you get exhaust full in the face. What fun!
I really do find Aaron's lips irresistible. (Did I embarrass you Aer?) I'm thinking maybe I should have included the edited shot so you could actually see the pumpkins in his sunglasses but I liked having Juli in the shot. I am starting to see some family resemblance.
You can see the pumpkins better in this one. Hmmm Juli likes her pumpkins. :) She is such a cute girl.
Now you see the dilemma we faced. I swear it was at least an acre of very beautiful pumpkins. How was I to find the ugliest? I've never had so much fun walking around in pumpkins before.
Keera on the other hand was looking for not only the prettiest and brightest but one small enough for her to carry. As you can see these pumpkins are all a litle large. It literally took her up until the last minute before the hay ride left. She combed that field from one end to the other.
Is this the right pumpkin? I dunno. Juli wanted one with a really cool stem. (She got one with a dragon looking stem.) Aaron just wanted a regular normal looking pumpkin and I just wanted the ugliest. Who knew people could be so particular?
Rarrr! Its the angry pumpkin king! I am the king of all the pumpkins!
The repeating pattern was irrisitable. I have at least 5 or 6 shots of this. If you don't pay too much attention they start looking like apples. There was a couple just out of my shot on the left. (Intentionally cut.) and after I took this shot the girl turns to the guy and she's like "that girl just took a picture of us" in a giddy she feels like a celebrity sort of way.
Cinderella waiting for it to turn into a carraige. Where are the mice?
She found it! Except when we got back to the store they decided it was too big and went for a mini pumpkin. In the car she pulled a doll dress out of her pocket (?) and put it on her little pumpkin. Cute! And yes there are Hay Ride Rules. I didn't actually take this shot since I was sitting right next to Keera but Aaron took it under my direction.
Aaron is the pig I am the cow, Keera is the sheep and Juli the rooster. I realize my head is a horrible edit but you'll have to deal with it.
This is everyone making the noises of their animal.
How can anyone resist such adorable animals?
They had a "country store" with vegitables and over-priced halloween items. You could buy popcorn in all different flavors like carmel, salt, salt & butter, and berry berry. Whatever that is. I got a strawberry smoothie which wasn't terribly good but I had the kind of thirst that water wasn't going to solve. This last picture is the little kid hay maze. Aaron and Keera ran around in it and of course Aer had to pick her up.
From the other pictures you might imagine there weren't very many people at the farm with us but as you can see from the cars there were tons of people. That isn't even the whole parking lot.