Today is much better than yesterday. That could have something to do with the fact that my sister and the kids left this morning to see her moron ex boyfriend/children's father and haven't come back yet. Ahhh, blessed quiet. No need for a breakdown today.
Not really much to say today so I'll just inflict a Meme on you. Oh those dreaded memes, how they sneak up on you. *grin*
Taken from
mistressindi Put your whole playlist on shuffle. Take the first 20 songs and add "in my pants" to the end of every song title.
1. You're a God In My Pants
2. Star Wars-The Saga Begins In My Pants
3. Sara Smile In My Pants
4. All Night Long In My Pants
5. I'll Fall With You Knife In My Pants
6. Raspberry Beret In My Pants
7. Little Red Corvette In My Pants
8. Don't Let Go In My Pants
9. Conga In My Pants (hah!)
10 Cry In My Pants
11 Huuvola In My Pants
12 So Emotional In My Pants
13 Angel Without Wings In My Pants
14 Fear of Dying In My Pants
15 Pardon Me In My Pants
16 Right Kind of Wrong In My Pants
17 Photograph In My Pants
18 Somebody's Watching Me In My Pants
19 Dragnet Drag In My Pants
20 Everything She Does Is Magic In My Pants