(no subject)

Mar 21, 2006 03:47

This is just a little post to test if the loophole I found for a custom mood theme works. I had a tough time deciding which mood to use. There are 134 pictures in this set. It's enough to make you feel schizophrenic when you're trying to decide between tired and sleepy or thoughtful and contemplative. (*rolls eyes* I need sleep) Isn't he pretty? *grin* Jonathan Rhys Meyers. Thought you might liked it especially, Melanie.

Oh, the puppy is now a permanent part of the family. The original owner doesn't want her back anymore so she's ours for better or worse. Definitely getting puppy training if I can't manage to make the advice mistressindi gave me work.

Anyway, it's already 4 and I should have been asleep 2 hours ago. Man, I'm tired. lol
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