When you die, you'll be dead / You'll be on your own

Oct 31, 2010 12:02

So, Halloween. Providing links to things that go well with this particular holiday is the least I can do:


The entire Garlands (1982) album from Cocteau Twins is somewhat perfectly *shaped* for the Halloween season, if you ask me. It's a fantastic album, in any case. Here's the track "Garlands" from the album with selfsame title.  

image Click to view


Just a few of my personal favourites and films I'd recommend to people who aren't horror buffs by any stretch of the word:

- Jacob's Ladder (1990)
- Martyrs (2008)
- Audition (1999)
- Nosferatu (1922)
- Carnival of Souls (1962)
- Funny Games (1997)

Any films I should be reprimanded for not having mentioned above? ;) 

Fuan no Tane is a Japanese horror manga by the great Nakayama Masaaki. Some of the stories are just plain weiiird while others are deliciously eerie. Over at Dreamwidth, they've scanned some pages from the ghoulishness:

#1. Scans Daily, Fuan no Tane

#2. Scans Daily, Fuan no Tane

Fic rec:

BtVS - Here Comes A Candle

A most splendid little ghost story. Atmospheric and incredibly well-executed (no pun intended). I don't want to give anything away - I wouldn't want to ruin it if you haven't already read this great fic.

And on this note, I'll leave you with a link to the creepiest ice cream truck, ever!

Happy Halloween, everyone! :D

music pimpin', fandom: btvs, ... rec [fanfic], genre: horror, ... rec [misc.]

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