It's that pelvic thrust that really drives you insaaane!

Oct 27, 2010 11:51

So, Glee, let's see how you tackle a cult classic...

Glee. 2x05: The Rocky Horror Glee Show.

- Emma, you're a geek. And Will, you're still stupid.
- "And then Frankenfurter comes down in an elevator. When he comes down, we are scared. I might faint." Lol, Rachel. :D
- Married monkeys! \0/ 
- "I've got the Carl."
- Okay, I'm loling at Brittany and Santana outside that window. Oh my god, it's not even subtext when they are singing along to *that* song. They only ran off to fuck like bunnies, seriously!
- "None of this is plausible." LOL. "Janet! Rocky! Grrr!" XD

All in all, an okay episode, but nothing world-shakingly brilliant, which is, well, a shame, I guess, since the source material is the *Rocky Horror Picture Show*!


Dexter. 5x05: First Blood.

- Michael Angelo. LOL. XD
- Ahaha, man boots! Well, hello there, Shane. :D Ha ha ha, oh Deb, come on - you can't stop girls from hitting on you. You *are* attractive.
- "We're fuck-buddies." Dexter looks like he just. doesn't. get. it. He most probably doesn't.
- Hoodie!Dexter and Hoodie!Lumen should go fight crime together! 
- I've never tried having someone pat me down from *behind* in an airport. :0


Merlin. 3x07: The Castle of Fyrien.

- Gwen is always yawning around Morgana. Strange girl. :/
- Ahaha, oh Morgana, you so evil. I see u, smirking thar. ;)
- Mwuahaha, they be so evil, Morgause and Cenred.
- Cendred, you have a stupid breathy voice and you look kind of greasy. You're *not* sexy, really. Trust me on this.
- "The wooooolves." Lol, Merlin, you idiot. XD
- WITH THIS RING I WED YOU! Look, Morgana, isn't it pretty, with the moonlight and the romantic forest and all? How can you turn your sister's hand down?
- Merlin, you're an asshole.
- ...... I'm not going to comment on that scene.
- Omg, watch out, a plastic skeleton!!! Lol, show, you so stupid. :)
- Always with the constant handholding. Aaaw, and the first person Morgana looks at is Morgause. Their love is pure!
- Ahahahah, Katie McGrath's ASS! XD

fandom: merlin, fandom: glee, fandom: dexter

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