Wave goodbye to everything

Aug 26, 2013 13:16

I Want to See Me: LGBT Characters in Video Games:

"Making gamers deal with things like that would do a lot for acceptance and helping an otherwise privileged demographic the ability to see what their fellow gamers have to live through. Because as much as I loved it, the world isn’t like The Sim’s or Cyrodil, the world is full of intersecting ( Read more... )

music pimpin', teh great gay!, fandom: orange is the new black, vidjaaagames

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hoshinekoyasha September 13 2013, 08:31:26 UTC
hyena_gal September 13 2013, 16:46:25 UTC
You've watched Canaan then? Watched it a few years ago, I think.


hoshinekoyasha September 13 2013, 18:24:35 UTC
Is good. I'm trying to get my friend into it and saw that.

How are you?


hyena_gal September 13 2013, 18:27:34 UTC
Busy as all hell. :P I take it you are too?


hoshinekoyasha September 13 2013, 18:30:20 UTC
yeah and its frustrating because i dont want to be but ive also become dependent on the OT money spending money to go to shows/drinking/other frivolous things


hyena_gal September 13 2013, 18:35:55 UTC
Not much which can be done about it... :-/

You looking forward to OuAT?


hoshinekoyasha September 13 2013, 18:37:54 UTC
NO. I want OAUT to die in a fire because its only going to go downhill now



hyena_gal September 13 2013, 18:40:24 UTC
Yeah, I'm not even sure I'll be tuning in -- but damnit Lana Parrilla and Jennifer Morrison keep my interest. :c


hoshinekoyasha September 13 2013, 18:44:48 UTC
I'm only invested in regina but im not masochistic enough to watch when I know shes just going to keep getting shat on :/

UUUG SHOW. if only you killed neal off.... or at least waited until like s5 or 6 to reunight him with emma so i could have shipped SQ longer...


hyena_gal September 13 2013, 18:55:19 UTC
Regina will be my baby forever and ever, though!

I know -- that's why I never put my faith in anything. ;) That's why I'm such a big mean and bitter homo. :P


hoshinekoyasha September 13 2013, 19:46:35 UTC
Good for you! You should be my role model...

Is this your last year of school?


hyena_gal September 13 2013, 19:49:49 UTC

*keeps laughing* Role model... yeah.....

Naw, it ain't. What about you? How long you gonna work at the place you're at at the moment?


hoshinekoyasha September 13 2013, 20:55:43 UTC

Well I'm hoping to transfer in jan or feb but there's a lot of factors so idk. You will have to come visit me for booe or tea


hyena_gal September 13 2013, 21:00:18 UTC
Well, any chance you'll be in New York this December? Because I'm visiting. ;)


hoshinekoyasha September 13 2013, 21:32:48 UTC
Are you visitng anyone? Or just a trip?

If I had the money I was going to go to new york in oct. I really want to see the play Sleep No More. I blew a lot of money in argintina so it looks like that's out of my budget for this year unless I get a bonus :I


hyena_gal September 13 2013, 21:36:20 UTC
Visiting my little sister. :P

Money, man -- I'd like me summa dat.


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