Wave goodbye to everything

Aug 26, 2013 13:16

I Want to See Me: LGBT Characters in Video Games:

"Making gamers deal with things like that would do a lot for acceptance and helping an otherwise privileged demographic the ability to see what their fellow gamers have to live through. Because as much as I loved it, the world isn’t like The Sim’s or Cyrodil, the world is full of intersecting issues and identities, and if our answer to them is to ignore them in a game world, then that just sends the message that it is ok to ignore them in the real world."

▪ There's this guy over on Youtube called Smooth McGroove who does acapella versions of songs from Nintendo games and it's kind of awesome!

Two of my favourites:
- F-Zero: Mute City Acapella
- Super Mario World: Overworld Theme Acapella

▪ So Nine Inch Nails - Everything was releashed and goddamn it cracked me up when I listened to it while watching this vid. The 1:39- 2:02 part in particular killed me. I mean, the song is catchy, but, come on, Reznor!

Wenthworth Miller is gay and for some reason that makes me in a really good mood. :)

▪ Y'all are caught up on Edge of Normal, right?

▪ Oh, and Orange Is the New Black? Because, yes, good, very good. ;) So is it only me or...am I the only one more interested in Alex/Nicky than Piper/Alex? I just find them more entertaining together. Oh, and also, are we supposed to be rooting for Daya/guard Bennett because hell no! That's some hella skeevy shit right there.

music pimpin', teh great gay!, fandom: orange is the new black, vidjaaagames

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