Jus in Bello 3, Rome 2012 aka I kind of hate Misha Collins now.

May 03, 2012 19:01

So, before I start I want to say that I'm crap at writing reports and such plus, I don't remember that much now. I won't be mentioning what they said on panels, because:
  • you can watch the vids on YT,
  • I saw only couple of of them as rest of the time I spent waiting in line or smoking outside.
Also, not very image heavy, as everything was happening so freaking fast and I'm not handy with my camera.

DAY 1, Friday:

I arrived at the hotel where the venue was held before 10.00 expecting crowds but instead saw (thankfully) only few people waiting outsider chatting, mostly in Italian which shouldn’t surprise me much but I did expect more English speaking folk, or smoking.
My registration process took grand time of 5 minutes. mostly ‘cause I chatted a little bit with the Sloviatian girl in the registration desk about McD’s prices in Italy and Poland/Slovatia XD

JIB 'booklet', Misha single photo-op, Jared single photo-op and Hunter Pass. I gotta admit it, it looked really professional.
You can't really see it but on the pass there's "BAD WOLF" written. Shout out to Superwho, maybe?
After that I went outside to smoke and look at people, a lot of them looked really weird and tacky and 12387x fatter than me so I had good time boosting my self-esteem. I got bored quite quickly so I wrote a text to Jas, a girl I befriended before the con so I wouldn't be all alone there, asking to meet me. We did but before she took shower and ate breakfast I started to talk with this one girl from Croatia, Ivana and after going outside to smoke (what else?) things went pretty smoothly and eventhough she had a different pass we hung around for the next 3 days together. So, we bummed around the hotel for the next couple of hours.

Around 15.00 people started gathering around the hall waiting for some of the guests (I guess J2 arrived on Saturday) to go for their perspective activities. I don't remember if I seen them, probably not becasue if I had I'd react completly different - but I'll get back to that, so I was either still outside or in bathroom. IDK.

Anyway, it was ALL SO FREAKING CONFUSING. So many people not really knowing where to go first. I went to merch/video room but it was just one table cluttered with stuff (photos, postcards, mugs, shirts, notebooks, idk what else) that was super overpriced (and at times) very tacky so I really just skimmed my eyes over and didn't go in back there.

Word of advice: for people who want to go next year, if you are an onwer of Hunter Pass prepare for a lot of standing becasue Hunter Pass owners get inside LAST. So, I doesn't matter if you get in line before anyone else you still need to wait ages for Prophet, Angel, Demon and Sinner Pass owners to finish first.

So, as a FUCKING MORON I am I went for the Misha photo-op line. And it's not even the waiting thing as the line went smoothly and I waited maybe half on hour to get into the room. After seeing how photo-ops go I'm not surprised. I mean, I heard things that you're only allowed seconds for the pic and GTFO but after seeing a lot of photo-ops from other cons I assumed it was still fun experience in relaxing atmosphere.

It was one of the most stressful things I've ever had to do. Exams didn't freak me out so much, really!

Okay, so while I was staning in line everything was cool and I was happy and all but then I entered the room where this whole thing was taking place and saw him staning 2,5 m from me and had a proper, honest to good, major freak out. I'm not lying. I still get dizzy thinking about it.

So, I see him staning there and it went so quickly. And with every person he was like:

:) --> :D --> :|

I don't know, I got an imperssion that he didn't really wanted t be here? It's just probably me but I wasn't thinking straight. I really wasn't. So, there's like 5 people before me (the line moves with a speed of light) and I start to shake and my eyes water and I was so freaking stressed I was close to faithing or running out of the room and I'd do it if I wasn't frozen in place (also, my photo-op pass was already checked out.).

So, it's my turn and I give Daniela (the main organiser and fucking bodyguard) my bag to hold and she freaking PUSHED me to him, like I can't use my legs on something. That really threw me off and stressed me out even more. So, I look at Misha he looks at me and I know I'm complete mess, my eyes were wet I was freaking shaking and was pale as wall. And I think he noticed how not well and out of my place I was feeling because he said (or mouthed?) silent "oh my" when he saw me. I stood so awkwardly next to him and I don't even remeber touching him or how he felt or if he smelled nice (people seem to report on those things). I tried to smile but my faces muscles started to spasm.

Summing up: it was a horrible and terryfing experience for me but I think if I had seen him eariler it might have gone slightly, slightly better. Needles to say, the photo turned out to be awful and thus waste of money, though Ivana and my sister said it looks good and adorable I don't believe them. So, if you want to see this picture you'll need to bribe me.

After this failure I had to go to smoke and calm down and cry on the inside.

Afterwards I went back to video room and caught some of Sebastian panel and he freaking spoke Polish! I think someone asked him if it's true that he can speak every language (supposedly, Richard said so) and he started speaking in perfect accent, things like: dzień dobry, do widzenia, spierdalaj and explained that the reason he can speak Polish is becasue he was filimg in Poland fro 3 months! He listed the places he's been (again in Polish): Warszawa, Kraków, Zakopane, Mazury, Suwałki and compelmented Polish girls for our looks. And I though, brilliant! I have an opener when I get his autograph!

Actually, that're only two things that happened that day, because after that I stayed in the video room and watched Misha (I hate you man) panel, which was hilarious and had some glorious gay Dean/Cas stuff. After the panel (18.00) I lined up for the Misha and Sebastian autograph session and waited untill I couldn't wait anymore, The line didn't move a freaking inch! I left 19.45 and and rushed for last bus that could take me to my hotel.

So, day 1 was a freaking disaster for me and I was regretting coming there on the first place.

DAY 2, Saturday:

aka the autograph day where I got most of my signatures. I won;t be describing standing in lines, because some of the times I had to wait and some of the times I just smiled at the male staff and they let me in without waiting ;)

Most of people got theirs on this JIB booklet, special poster, bought photos or their photo-op photos. I got mine on this:

Balthazar, Castiel, Chuck, Dean, Gabriel, Lucifer, Sam and Teenage Dean.
I had a poster made for every characted (besides Jim's as he was last minute guest and sadyly, I didn't have 15euro to pay for it) by wonderful Alyssa.

For the first autograph I went for Sebastian's.

I was actually a little bit nervous then. So, he sees me and smiles at me like the old charming bastard he is (because he so is, you have no idea!) And the whole conversation went something like that. (I honetly don't remeber XD)

Me: Dzień Dobry! (Good moring!)
Seb: (confused at first but regained his wit super qucikly) Dzień Dobry! Jak się masz? (How are you?)
Me: djkhkfhbs great, thank you. Your Polish is really good! I was really surprised.
Seb: Thank you, I'm glad to hear it.

Then I started to ask about the thing he was shooting in Poland so I could check it out and he told me the title but I didn't caught it (but I preteneded I did, lol) and told him I'll check it out, and he said I won't because it wasn't released XD

So I thanked him and he shook my hand! I didn't even had to ask he just did it himself. So, yay for me! I kind of hoped he'd comment on the poster but, oh well.

The thing about Brock, when I watched his episode I didn't actually like his face. I mean, I could see that he was handsome but not appealing to me. But god damn it, he is freaking georgous in real life. And is such a sweet and nice guy, seems really shy.

The whole thing was really brief and up to point, we said hi he asked me how I am, yada yada.

He laughed at the poster, said it was funny and wrote other quote I was considering using for the poster (I'm a hero!)

I thanked him and walked away.

Rob is the cutest guy ever you have no idea! And he is so little, I just wanted to smush him.

He was all smiles and made everything so easy and fun.

When he was the posted he laughed very hard and said something like: "OMG SO COOL! THIS IS SO AWESOME! DID YOU MADE IT?" and I said, no, unofrtunately I didn't I have no skills but a friend of my did it.

He asked if he can write anything on it and I said, sure write whatever you want. A poem? An essey? Go crazy.

So he wrote that.

I thanked him he thanked me and I said goodbye :)

Jared one! I actually had to wait in line for this one but not extremely long. (most of the people waited for Jensen's photo-op then). He was so relaxed that he made this really easy for me, too.

And he's so freaking handsome...

Jared: Hi!
Me: Dzień Dobry (yes, I went there.)
Jared: (i think he didn't hear me and proceeded to sign the poster.)
Me: Hey, I just spoke to you in Polish!
Jared: You did?! Co słychać? (he's acctent was great, btw!)

He asked where I'm from and said, "Poland, obviously." and he said that me meant what city XD And the I started asking him about coming to Polish con and Poland and he said he would love to go but he didn't know there was one? And asked me to sign him in for that. I mean, lol. HOW THE HELL DO I DO THAT, HM? The whole exchange was surprisingly long, taking the amount of the people that was waiting and this freaking Daniela didn't rush me so I count it as a victory :)

After that I took a long break outside with Ivana and waited for Jared's photo-ops to start. And when it did it was SO, SO MUCH better than Misha one. Jared was all relaxed and again made it so easy for me and others. This time I asked not to be pushed and I wasn't. The whole thing went quickly and without a freakout and I managed to hug him :) I just can't remember if he was standing or sitting. (J2 usually sat during their photo-ops.). Not gonna show this one either.

This thing with Misha was weird. There was a little people standing in line (around 10?) and we actually waited inside the room for Misha to get there.What was weird was the fact tha we are not allowed to video or photograph them in autograph room and there were people who were recording him and taking pics shamlessly with member of staff being present. Misha didn't mind and we neither but when I asked stuff memeber WTH? he daid we can't take pictures and I gestured to the people who were taking pictures THAT SECOND with an questioning/pissed of look. I really don't get it. I suspect they had Prophte Pass or something becasue they were quicte cozy with Misha, going as 'far' as hugging and kissing him in the cheek over the table.

So, anyway. I had pretty same reaction I had in photo-op room. And then I knew what the problem is. It wasn't me - it's Misha. I can hold pretty decent conversation with the rest of cast but him. He just freaking terrfies me.

Getting an autograph was easy. He liked the poster, said that it's a good one and I started to blab about other posters and that I asked my mom to teach me how's "good morning" in Russian but I couldn't remember and said dzień dobry instead and he tried to say it too (didn't work out to well). And then I asked if I can also hug and kiss him and I did. So yeah! This photo-op fiaso reedemed itself a little bit.

Sometime after that I went for Richard photo but when I was standing in line Jim Beaver was waiting for people (his auto was extra so he had less people to sign for) and I was shamelessly eavesdropping his conversation with someone from staff about differences between US/European conventions. He saw me looking and winked at me so I said that I want to know becasue I'll never go to the States XD After a minute or so I gathered my courage and asked if I can have a quick question so we chatted for about 3 minutes or so *____*

I asked if he will come to Polish con and he said he does know about it and have been invited but he doesn't know if his schedule will allow it but he would love to and it's in Gdansk, right? I just...

This is how conventions should look like. You being able to talk with them for even 2 minutes. Honestly, this talk with Jim was absolutely my favourite thing that happened on JIB con.


Richard was extremely nice. He loved the poster and I said I was torn becasue Gabriel had this "kiełbasa" line and I'm form Poland and are coming for the con? And I'm not sure, he said he would like to but does this mean he was invited already? Or just hypothetically speaking? IDK. He asked if I'd like to have my name written and I said, sure!

Okay. Mark is weird. Kind of creepy weird, accoring to Ivana, atleast.

He loved the quote! It's hard to describe his reaction but he was pleased that someone remembered it? IDK XD

I also shook his hand, which was awesome, btw. I thanked him and said goodbye but when I started to walk away and try to read what he wrote I actually couldn't so I had to go back and asked him XD

It's sounded so sweety to hear it spoken out loud XD

Can you tell what's written there? :).


Taking Jensen's autograph was really easy and fun. But I need to day it becasue it'll never be said enough.




He smirked when he saw the quote and I said that that since he had problems coming up with his favourite during panel this one was my favourite Dean quote. He admitted that it's a good one and I asked if I can shake his hand and he was okay with that and I left being super happy and feeling accomplished :)

And that was all for Day 2. For the rest of the time I just hanged around then watching panles, wating for cast to pass hallway or outside.

DAY 3, Sunday:

aka the panel day where I only watched panels and occasionally stalked the cast on hallway. I got to the venue at 11.50 to watch Jensen panel and stayed through Rob's (he's such a sweetheart) then Jared & Misha. Spent some time outside and then got back for Richard & Sebastian & Matt. I tell you, I'll never think of leotard without thinking about Sebastian. He's such a pervert and has million dick jokes. And I need to watch this panel again soon. After that was Jensen & Misha and if you havan't seen the clips you need to watch this for Misha's resume. IT WAS HYSTERICAL.

Actually, during Jensen panel Richard and Jason crashed video room with camera on his won and started to record us. He asked why are we there and I said we don't have proper pass to get into stage room and he stared mocking me by saying I just don't want to see Jensen or something like that XD


Jensen/Misha panel was the last one and the was closing ceremony on which I teared up again T___T I definitely plan on coming back next year but doing bunch of stuff differently.

So yeah, that's all. I'm too tried to write more. Hope you got anything from this. And if you want to ask anything, just comment :)


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