Takoyaki oh Takoyaki

Jan 19, 2009 17:21

Last week, I had a chance to meet my friends from Larcology. We went to one of the largest mall in my town.

When we were walking around, my eyes stumbled upon a small takoyaki-ya that my friend Louise told me about. I forgot the name, but it's not Takochiro, one of takoyaki-ya franchise in my country. Compared to Takochiro's, this one has a bigger portion and cheaper. If I can only get three balls in a set in Takochiro, I get six. This one is cheaper by Rp 2.000 while it's larger in sum.

Too bad, there's not much takoyaki-ya in my town. As far as I know, there are only three places: Takochiro Tunjungan Plaza, Takochiro Supermall, and the one that I can't remember the name @ Supermall.

I want to make ones myself so I don't have to go to the mall just to eat the octopus balls. I googled it a bit and found some takoyaki recipe. My happiness level was almost reaching 80% when I read it thoroughly and found that the ingredients are a bit hard to find here. Oh yeah, I remember there's one Japanese store selling those but the price isn't cheap. I need to spend around Rp 50.000 just to buy the sauce. Not to mention the katsuo-bushi, benishoga, and the other Japanese ingredients =_____=

It's cheaper to buy it instead of cooking it myself.

I wish there's a takoyaki-ya near my home...
*oh yeah, keep on dreaming*


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