L'Amazing Experience

May 10, 2012 17:36

This year will be a year I'll never forget. This year I went to three L'Arc~en~Ciel's live. Yes, three! And all of them were in different countries XD

Thanks to those lives, I got to meet a lot of new friends. I've experienced so many things during my journey to catch L'Arc boys. And one of the most L'Amazing experience is I got the chance to meet them. Yes, they sat only 3 metres away from me!

Will make a separate post about those journeys. For now I'll just concentrate on my deadline. I have a lot of works to finish today.

Weekend is coming closer and I still have to think about (and buy) present for my dad. He'll celebrate his birthday next week.

Well, that's all for today. I just wanna make short post because I haven't written anything since March XD

l'arc~en~ciel, random

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