the intro to this article made me lol so hard (possibly more than fumikyun's expression in the photoshoot XD)
この間、罰ゲームでトウガラシを食べることになったの。いっしょに遊んでた人に「ひと口歯むだけでいいよ」っていわれたんだけど、そんな辛くないだろ、食えるだろ、って思いながら丸々1本バクリ。そしたら予感以上の辛さ! ヤケドした!?ってくらい口の中が熱くなって、舌がヒリヒリした…。
1カ月前、サーフィンをするために海へ行ったんだ。そしたら、離岸流に飲み込まれて沖のほうへ流された! 俺はほとんど泳げないから、マジでヤバイと思って、必死に手を伸ばして「助けてー!」って叫んだんだ。近くにいた知り合いの人が助けてくれて、なんとか無事に砂浜へ。助かってよかったー。
最近、ヤバイくらいに野球にハマってる。しょっちゅうバッティングセンターに通ってるよ。最初は球がバットにまったく当たらなくて、腕が筋肉痛になるばかりだったけど、今では100発100中で前へ飛ばせる! 最近は長い棒を見ると、素振りしたくなるんだ(笑)。俺、マジで野球部に入ろっかなー。
A.B.C-Z's Sweat-Covered Really 'HOT!' Talk
The scorching, blazing midsummer sun is lighting the fire in the hearts of these 5 hot guys!? Their HOT talk and well-trained bodies, listen to it and look at them!
HOT!=Spicy Talk
The other day, I had to eat chili pepper as part of a batsu-game {punishment game}. The people I was playing with said "it's no good unless you bite it", so while thinking it's not spicy, I can eat it, I bit on a whole pepper. But it was even spicier than I expected! I was burned!?-type feeling covered the inside of my mouth, with my tongue stinging...
HOT!=Warm Talk
Last week, I played soccer with 7 friends I hadn't seen for a while. Playing doing things like scrambles, penalty kicks, passes. Recently I've got no strength, so I got tired quickly from running. So, while vacantly saying "Just a little break" I sat out on the sidelines by myself (bitter smile). I played about 2 hours. I was able to work up a really good sweat!
HOT!=Relieving Talk
A month ago, I went to the ocean to go surfing. But I got caught in a rip current and washed away into the open sea! {} I could barely swim, this is really bad I thought, I frantically reached out my arms and shouted "Help!" An aquaintance nearby saved me and somehow we got safely to the shore. I'm so glad I was saved. {asfjl hasshi you're not allowed dying on me until I've designed costumes for you! :S}
HOT!=Current Passion Talk
Recently, I've gotten dangerously into baseball. I'm always going to the batting centre. At first I couldn't hit the ball at all, and had nothing but arm pain, but now I can hit 100 out of 100 balls! Recently I've been practicing swings with a long pole. I wonder if I can enter the baseball club~.
...and i also got scans of hasshi's cosplay, so i had to translate the cute sushiya-san ;)
へい、らっしゃい!゛橋本ずし″へようこそ。ネタは何にしましょう?なんでもありますよ~。うちは店の規模が小さくて、座席は3人分しかないんですよ。でもそのぶん、お客様とゆっくり話せるのが特徴ですね。じつはボク、おすしを作ることはもちろん、食べるのも大好き!お母さんと、よくいっしょにおすし屋さんへ行くんですよ。いちばん好きなネタは炙りサーモン<3 と、オトナぶってみたけど、本当は玉子焼き(笑)。おーっと、もう10時だ!そろそろ閉店です。本日は、ありがとうございました!…っていうくらいお客さんと話せるようなおすし屋さんなら、いつか出してみたいなー
Hasshire~ Cosplay 50
This month's Hashimoto is doing 'Sushi Worker' cosplay. With this kind of ikemen worker, will girls flock to the shop!?
Hey, welcome! Welcome to "Hashimoto Sushi". What can I make for you? Anything is fine~. My shop is small, so you have no choice but to sit in threes. But in that way, the customers casually chatting becomes a feature. Actually, of course I make my own sushi, I love to eat it! I go to the sushi maker with my mom. My favourite type is grilled salmon <3 and, I'm trying to look mature, it's actually fried egg (laugh). Oh it's already 10 o'clock! I'll be closing shop soon. Thank you for today! is the kind of thing I'll say to the customers if I was a sushi shop worker, someday I'd like to show that~