I'm happy~!!!!
<(^-^<) (>^-^)> <(^-^<) (>^-^)> <(^-^<) (>^-^)> <----- they're dancing. . . yeah~. . .
Anyway, I got my beloved beloved beloved beloved:
TADA~ TALES OF SYMPHONIA: DAWN OF THE NEW WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!! *claps and shouts are heard in the background*
oh yeah~!!!! I luv life. I luv my parents *0* they're too awesome
And something that happened when we got to Game Planet:
*me looking at the wii games*
Me: OOOOH!!!!! *me just saw TOS in the shelf, the only freaking TOS game in the shelf*
*me grabs sister*
sis: what? You found it? *some guy grabs the game and looks at it*
me: yeah! there! the one they just took! *points at guy*
sis: where?
me: THAT!
*guy looks at us. shows the game*
guy: this one?
me: yeah, that one *nods*
*guy leaves game in the shelf and walks to the exit.*
*guy turns around and talks to us*
guy: that's the best game of the world
me: OH, I KNOW!~ *grin*
guy: *grin*
It was quite funny when it happened. Now, on to fangirling over the game:
I couldn't stop saying while playing: "If I just had brown short hair, a red suit and two swords I'd kill everybody in seconds." and " I wanna be sexy Lloyd~" Though, coward Emil is cute, and couldn't stop laughing after a battle when macho-Emil told Marta something like "You don't need to worry about me" and fangirl-Marta went "I love it when you get all manly!" XDD I'm also still wondering, was that sexy-as-hell-Yuan you talk to in Asgard? o.O, 'cause he had the same blue hair *gets shot* though, I didn't recognize the voice, and I'd been playing the other TOS hours earlier.... but whatever, I'll get to know later.
Speaking of the other TOS, I freakin' messed up with Zelos! T^T Stupid me. It's hard to get his conversation at Flanoir when he tells you about his mother and stuff. I wanna complete my collector's book~~~ I would be easier if Colette, Genis and Sheena wouldn't love you no matter what you say. ¬_¬
Anyway, enough TOS fangirling. Let's continue with:
Freakin' sexy Teotihuacan~~~~~~~ *cantos gregorianos de fondo*
¡La piramide del Sol!
<------ I envy those people who got to climb the pyramid. I wanted to get to the top~ T^T but you can still admire it's beauty from earth XD
The pyramids are sooo awesome. Biutiful! I'm gonna marry one. . . or both!
I was gonna show off my many photos of the trip, but they're still in the other camera. This photo's from my cellphone. So yeah, later when I upload them.
SOOO~~~ I gotta go. I'm gonna go watch football with my dad~
Gallos VS Tijuana
2nd time I ever go watch a football game to the stadium ^^