Days of Gaming Meme (Working Title, har)

Jan 30, 2011 03:58

I come to realize, I am terrible with this stuff. Haha.  (See: Procastinator)

Day 19: Favorite game based on a movie/book/comic/etc

Alone in the Dark

Bleh, I know it isn’t exactly based on a movie/book/comic/etc, but it draws all of its lore and inspiration from H.P. Lovecraft.  Despite its primitive graphics and horrid gameplay to today’s standard, the game still gives me the creeps.  The game itself is responsible for all those fixed-camera games in the 90’s.  Resident Evil being the most widely known.  I also blame the game for my obsession with Lovecraftian horror, mystery, history and even anthropology.

Premise:  You’re a Private Investigator (Or the granddaughter, if you’re like me and hate having a male avatar) out to discover why this old artist living in an old mansion just up and killed himself.  Upon reaching the attic, you find a suicide letter hidden in the piano detailing why he committed suicide.  He warns the reader and admits he died to deny an ‘evil’ a living host to possess.  You then fight your way through the haunted house fending off ghosts, zombies and various Lovecraftian beasts.

The second and third games were slightly less epic.  I played the second one recently (Being too scared to finish it eons ago) and fail to see how I was afraid of it.  There is actually a point in the second game where you fight a midget zombie chef.  Using either a giant push pin or frying pan while clad in a Santa Claus suit.  Or how the pirate-ghost-mobster-voodoo-zombies shout “HI GUY!” before they attack you.  Silliness aside, the second game had the best music of the series.  Never touched the fourth and fifth games out of fear they would destroy my childhood memories.

I picked up Amnesia: The Dark Descent since it reminded of Alone in the Dark. ^.^

Day 20: Favorite stress relieving game

Red Faction: Guerilla

There is just something really relaxing about taking a sledge hammer and just smashing everything in sight.  The structures are entirely destructible and the icing of the cake is performing a perfect demolition without having to run up and break all of the load-bearing walls with the hammer.

As for the game, it’s the third game in the Red Faction series.  (Never got far into the first two games, despite they’re sitting in the desk under this monitor at this very moment!)  Mars is colonized to provide life-blood to Earth since mankind fucked it all up.  (See: Amazon Desert)  The Red Faction are rebels who fight for a free Mars.  In the first game, you fight the Ultor Corporation (As seen as an Easter-egg in Saints Row)  Guerilla is after Ultor falls apart and the Earth-Defense-Force that helped you in the first game simply took their place as tyrants and the Red Faction fights for a free mars once again.

I am slightly excited for the next Red Faction game.  Mars’ earth-life surface becomes uninhabitable when a terra-former accident leaves the planet’s weather in chaos forcing the denizens of mars underground where they uncover killer aliens.  This ties into my obsession with space and the eerie feeling that I don’t belong on earth. (/end crazy)

Day 21: Favorite Fighting Game

Soul Edge/blade..?

The only fighting game I really enjoyed.  Nothing really to say here, not too much of a fan of fighting games myself. XD

Day 22: Favorite table-top RPG

Dungeons and Dragons

Officially, it’s the only Table-top RPG I’ve played.  Family plays it occasionally when we manage to have some prolonged company over.  Other than that, I do play A LOT of table top Warhammer40, 000.  I play the zealous, fanatical, genocidal Space Marines.  This is just one of those things you have to see in person to understand.

Day 23: Favorite racing game

Difficult one here.  Never was too much of a fan of Racing games either.  Uuh… Crash Team Racing?  Only racing game I ever beat.

To be honest, I absolutely hate cars.  Primitive machines that should have been phased out in the 1950’s and replaced by something that doesn’t burn shit.  Oh! And where the fuck are my flying cars?!  <3 Fifth Element.  I hope to have a private little mini-copter so I can just traverse streets and traffic all together.  This has nothing to do with an irrational fear of driving on the main streets.

Day 24: The one awesome game idea that still hasn't been done

A Science Fiction Exploration Survival Sim/game.

Your ship crashes on an alien world and it’s up to you and three other friends to try to survive through the acquisition of resources.  Throw in some dark mysteries and eerie revelations and you have instant awesome.

The idea I have is your ship is marooned on this uncharted planet and you have to survive.  Explore the inhospitable planet for resources while avoiding hazards like cliffs, lava pools and that sort of thing.  The world has a terrible secret that would be discovered raiding the broken remains of other marooned derelict craft for diaries and supplies.  Despite hundreds of massive crashed ships littering the world, you and you’re friends are the only humans on the whole world.  While you mine, explore and build, something sinister begins to make itself apparent.

Day 25: The most hilarious game you've ever played

Conkor’s Bad Fur Day

Well, for starters, the first boss is an opera-singing-pile-of-shit who self-proclaims himself to be “The Great Mighty Poo” The ‘pacifist-bees’ tickle you to death.  And the money that you have to collect in the game screams profanity at you.  It’s a little disturbing game that is chock full of raw toilet humor.

Day 26: A game you've left sitting at the final boss fight and still haven't returned to

Every Zelda Game on the Game Boy

For reasons unknown, Every Zelda game for me ends at the final puzzle before going to fight the end boss.  It’s not that I don’t know what to do, it’s just hitting like six switched with the guided-boomerang around a corner was too hard for me. >.>

Day 27: A game that you wish you could play, but suck at


Games like Parappa the Rapper and Guitar Hero in general.  I’m terrible with those kinds of games with the sequences and stuff.  Another type of game, I could say would probably be any grind-fest-MMORPG.  I’ve been playing Runescape since 2001 and I’m practically nowhere in the game.  Maybe I am just too easily bored or cheat at every game I find difficult.

Day 28: A game that makes you feel guilty

Any Game Ever Made

Simply because I should be doing something other than sitting glued to a screen.  Like go outside and socialize with people.  You know what? Fuck that.  Online friends are just as awesome.  I don’t need drugs/alcohol/cigarettes/crime/sex/parties to keep myself entertained.  If anything, I should walk the dogs more often. >.>  Again, crazy-me is arguing with myself.  Levent says I have acute dissociative identity disorder.  Test only concluded I am 30% so it’s obviously all in my head. <.<

Day 29: A game from your childhood


Unreal is a first person shooter released in 1998.  Originally started in 1993 as a magic-carpet dragon hunter game, the game evolved and morphed greatly before the form seen in 1998.

You play the role of Prisoner-849 of the UMS Prison Ship, Vortex Rikers.  The ship follows some anomalous readings to an unknown planet where it is seized by the world’s unnaturally strong gravity well and crashes.  You were in your bunk, reading a book when the chaos of the crash occurred and was left for dead when the impact flung you into the hardened metal wall of your cell, knocking you out.  You awaken to find everyone gone or dead.  Upon emerging from the wrecked prison ship, you find yourself lost on a world filled with lush vegetation, temples and villages crawling with a wide assortment of aliens, some friend, others deadly.  The game’s story is told through the assortment of diaries you find and other written goodies.  Depressingly, you shadow the large group of survivors and eventually find the last of them all dead so close to escaping.  On the narrative, there is this side story about the crew going across the planet looking for a girl who was kidnapped by the aliens.  You actually find messages on their quest to save a man’s beloved scattered across half of the game.  Recently, I found, to my disdain, the girl they were looking for; dead in a sewer from wounds she had gained from escaping the dungeon.  To be honest, I love this kind of story, where the protagonist is just thrust into a world that does not revolve around them.

“From where many had died, you escaped.  You laugh to yourself for a moment.  So much has happened, but so little has changed.  Once again you find yourself alone, confined in a prison, adrift in space.”

But the game holds this place on its list not because of being awesome.  It’s a story about a nine-year old and a level editor.  I came across the developer tools bundled with the game completely by accident and was able to amuse myself building simple levels.  With time, I learned how to do more and began to make my own levels for the game and shared them online.  I got more out the game than entertainment.  I found my career as a digital architect.

ranting, insanity, unreal, gaming, alone in the dark, games

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