Dec 29, 2003 05:30
I just had the worst dream ever.I somehow got some tickets to Florida, I was fliying, but for some reason our flight was taking us around the world... through Finland... the entire plane was finlandians except me and my girlfriend April and Tim Burton who was the Pilot... well his brother was on there but he was finlandian as well, I was trying to teach myself and April finish while on the plane. Somehow though, I figured out how to teleport from plane to plane, and I ended up on some military plan and had to help them out, but I couldn't get back with April... couldn't get back home, and couldn't find anway to contact her... I had lost her and couldn't get back to her... It was horrible... everyone kept trying to take care of me and cheer me up These girls were talking to me and I just started making fun of them and telling them how shitty they were and they started hitting m I gave them free shots but none of them hurt, they wouldn't stop, they wouldn't leave me alone so I got in my car and they wouldn't let go, so I drove off until they just fell off of the car... I wanted to destroy the world and me with it, all because I had lost April. Worst dream I've ever had and remembered...