What's up world?

May 23, 2011 09:08

I haven't written in a while. Not because I haven't had plenty to write about, but because I just can't seem to find the inspiration or motivation to actually write. There's lots of motivation for other things, but writing just isn't at the top of the list, right now. And that makes me more than a little sad inside.

So, to update! I got a job! (Hurray!) It's part-time at JCP, but who cares? It's gonna get the bills paid. They're actually paying me pretty well, and it's a much easier job than any I've had in a while. (Smile and talk to people, sell them stuff, process their returns--done!) And I might get transferred over into fine jewelry within the week, so life will get even easier, and the hours will get a bit better. Right now, the hours are the worrisome thing. It's not that I won't be getting enough hours, but that they have me working until 11 at night, some nights, and that means no Lion time. And that isn't something I'm really willing to sacrifice. In jewelry I won't ever have to work past 9, and that's much more acceptable. We'll see how that goes.

Lion and I are in a bit of a tight financial situation, right now. We got all our bills paid off early this month, but that barely frees up these next paychecks we get (that's right: every last cent of them) for rent. We're still trying to figure out how to deal with things like gas and oil and the hygiene products that we usually stock up on at the beginning of the month. Now it will take place half-way through the month, which just makes us a bit nervous.

While on that train of thought, though, we aren't having issues with food at all. This is great. And we're looking at getting Lion onto my T-mobile plan in order to save us a whopping $40 a month by getting rid of his Smartphone. Which makes both of us sad, because we're technology geeks and want to have the coolest stuff all the time. Oh, well. Things will get better.

Let's see...what else?
Oh, we cleared out our storage! When we moved in we were shown this little two-by-five foot section of our patio that has plywood erected about it and a door. This is our "storage." When we first moved in we stocked it full of stuff, and have been going through it all slowly but surely. We weren't too concerned with it, thinking it was on a patio surrounded by wood, it was probably safe. Until the mouse moved in. The majority of you probably remember the mouse picture I posted back in...what...November? Early December? Well, the manager said she'd get rid of it, but she didn't. And how do I know this? The first nice day of the year, I go stand on the patio and get COVERED in fleas. Also, I caught my cat chasing the mouse from storage shed to bush more than once. We also noticed severe water damage on some of the boxes, when we put away our Christmas stuff. Looks like the mouse chewed through the plywood and destroyed any possibility of a watertight unit. (Not that there was a huge possibility of that, anyway.)

So, we bought a metal shelf at Target and attacked the storage unit, yesterday. This resulted in me finding the majority of the items I thought I'd lost over the past few months, and me throwing away another third of my belongings. Who can keep it when it's either been eaten or slept in or pooed on by a mouse? It just broke my heart. After all, I'm very materialistic, when we get right down to it. And the things I've kept since third grade are still important to me.

Anyway! Cleansing experience, all the way around. We got rid of the fleas, erected the shelf, and now have an almost-empty and incredibly organized water-safe storage.

So that's my update. Hopefully I'll be back a bit sooner than before. Bye!

life, work

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