May 06, 2011 14:35
I'm supposed to be at a job interview, right now. Why am I not? My car wouldn't start. I found this out a half hour before the interview, so I called to re-schedule, but got the answering machine. So, now I'm, technically, two minutes late to my interview, and haven't gotten a call back.
I'm questioning the universe right now. This was going to be a job that fit with the schedule I want (mostly) and it was going to pay me enough to pay the bills and not have to make concessions anymore on my wedding. It was going to get my car fixed, and allow us to each Chinese and Sonic. (We have one Sonic here, and we haven't touched Sonic since before we left Kansas. It's torture, I tell you!)
Why would this happen? What about today is wrong with me going to an interview? What about today has changed? Why am I not there? Why did my car not start?
*breaks down crying*
While I'm still crying like crazy because I needed this interview to happen TODAY, I have gotten it rescheduled for Wednesday. And this gives me Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday to get my car fixed. Hopefully, it will all still work out.
I still don't understand why it happened this way.