? 28 chai; ff20in20 round 11

Feb 27, 2011 00:00

? 20 Final Fantasy Villains


A fire starting
in my heart
Bringing me out
the dark
I can see you
crystal clear
Every piece
of you
The scars
of your love

We almost
had it all
Tears are
gonna fall
Think of me
Count your
Leave me

Different Crop
Different Crop
Different Crop
Different Crop
Different Crop


#01: Jecht (FFX/DISSIDIA)
#02: Ilua (FFTA2: Rimoire of the Rift)
#03: Jihl Nabaat (FFXIII)
#04: Lady Lilith (FFXI)
#05: Seymour (FFX)
#06: Yunalesca (FFX)
#07: Edea (FFVIII)
#08: Rosso the Crimson (DIRGE OF CERBERUS -FFVII-)
#09: Ultimecia + Edea (FFVIII/DISSIDIA)
#10: Reno (FFVII: AC)
#11: Cid Raines (FFXIII)
#12: Jecht (FFX/DISSIDIA)
#13: Angeal (CRISIS CORE -FFVII-)
#14: Yunalesca (FFX)
#15: Edea (FFVIII)
#16: Barthandalus (FFXIII)
#17: Cloud of Chaos (DISSIDIA)
#18: Weiss the Immaculate (DIRGE OF CERBERUS -FFVII-)
#19: Kuja (DISSIDIA)
#20: Some minions (FFXIII)

SOME EXPLANATIONS (where I think they could be helpful):
I am not sure who will read the explanations, so I'm going to paint them white, because the may include some spoilers. Just select the text and you'll be able to read it. Thanks
#04: Lady Lilith is actually Lilisette from an alternate timeline. Lilisette is a NPC, but considered to be a principal character in the Wings of the Goddess expansion.
#07: Well, since Edea played a major role in raising the party, tears are gonna fall during the battle.
#08: When Vincent defeats Rosso the Crimson she tells Vincent that he would not have the pleasure of killing her. Quotation: "Defiantly yelling "No one will ever stand above me!", Rosso collapses the portion of the building she stands on. She plummets down, laughing maniacally to her probable death." [Source: Final Fantasy Wikia] So Vincent has to think of her as the one Tsviets he couldn't defeat himself. [/crazy thought off]

List of Villains @ FF Wikia

vg: final fantasy 13, vg: final fantasy tactics advanced, vg: final fantasy 10, vg: final fantasy 8, vg: advent children, vg: final fantasy 7 doc, vg: final fantasy 7 cc, vg: final fantasy 10-2, vg: final fantasy dissidia

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